TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Geometric control theory and sub-riemannian geometry /

Geometric control theory and sub-riemannian geometry / edited by Gianna Stefani, Ugo Boscain, Jean-Paul Gauthier, Andrey Sarychev, Mario Sigalotti. - xii, 384 páginas : - Springer INdAM Series, 5 2281-518X ; .

Springer eBooks

1 A. A. Agrachev - Some open problems -- 2 D. Barilari, A. Lerario - Geometry of Maslov cycles -- 3 Y. Baryshnikov, B. Shapiro - How to Run a Centipede: a Topological Perspective -- 4 B. Bonnard, O. Cots, L. Jassionnesse - Geometric and numerical techniques to compute conjugate and cut loci on Riemannian surfaces -- 5 J-B. Caillau, C. Royer - On the injectivity and nonfocal domains of the ellipsoid of revolution -- 6 P. Cannarsa, R. Guglielmi - Null controllability in large time for the parabolic Grushin operator with singular potential -- 7 Y. Chitour, M. Godoy Molina, P. Kokkonen - The rolling problem: overview and challenges -- 8 A. A. Davydov, A. S. Platov - Optimal stationary exploitation of size-structured population with intra-specific competition -- 9 B. Doubrov, I. Zelenko - On geometry of affine control systems with one input -- 10 B. Franchi, V. Penso, R. Serapioni - Remarks on Lipschitz domains in Carnot groups -- 11 R. V. Gamkrelidze - Differential-geometric and invariance properties of the equations of Maximum Principle (MP) -- 12 N. Garofalo - Curvature-dimension inequalities and Li-Yau inequalities in sub-Riemannian spaces -- 13 R. Ghezzi, F. Jean - Hausdorff measures and dimensions in non equiregular sub-Riemannian manifolds -- 14 V. Jurdjevic - The Delauney-Dubins Problem -- 15 M. Karmanova, S. Vodopyanov - On Local Approximation Theorem on Equiregular Carnot–Carathéodory spaces -- 16 C. Li - On curvature-type invariants for natural mechanical systems on sub-Riemannian structures associated with a principle G-bundle -- 17 I. Markina, S. Wojtowytsch - On the Alexandrov Topology of sub-Lorentzian Manifolds -- 18 R. Monti - The regularity problem for sub-Riemannian geodesics -- 19 L. Poggiolini, G. Stefani - A case study in strong optimality and structural stability of bang–singular extremals -- 20 A. Shirikyan - Approximate controllability of the viscous Burgers equation on the real line -- 21 M. Zhitomirskii - Homogeneous affine line fields and affine line fields in Lie algebras.


Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Secretaría de Extensión y Cultura - Dirección de Bibliotecas @
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