Aristotle :
Aristóteles 384-322 a.C.
Aristotle : in twenty-three volumes. - 23 volúmenes ; 17 cm. - Loeb classical library. 325, 391, 400, 228, 255, 338, 397, 288, 437, 438, 323, 366, 307, 316, 317, 271, 287, 73, 285, 264, 193, 199 .
Traductores: v. 1 H.P. Cooke.--v. 1-2, 17. H. Tredennick.--v.2-3, 12. E.S. Forester.--v. 3. D.J. Furley.--v. 4-5. F.M. Cornford, P.H. Wicksteed.--v. 6. W.K.C. Guthrie.--v. 7. H.D.P. Lee.--v. 8, 14-16. W.S. Hett.--v. 9-13. A.L. Peck.--v. 16, 19-20. H. Rackham.--v. 18. G.C. Armstrong.--v.22. J.H. Freese.--v.23. W.H. Fyfe, W.R. Roberts.
Contenido: v. 1. The categories. On interpretation. Prior analytics. -- v.2. Posterior analytics. Topica. -- v.3. On sophistical refutations. On coming-to-be and passing-away. On the cosmos. -- v.4-5. Physics. -- v.6. On the heavens. -- v.7. Meteorologica. -- v.8. On the soul. Parva naturalia. On breath. -- v.9-11. Historia animalium. -- v.12. Parts of animals. On movement of animals. Progression of animals. -- v.13. Generation of animals. -- v.14. Minor works. -- v.15. Problems, Books 1-21. -- v.16. Problems, Books 22-38. Rhetoric to Alexander. -- v.17. Metaphysics, Books 1-9. -- v.18. Metaphysics, Books 10-14. Oeconomica. Magna moralia. -- v.19. Nicomachean ethics. -- v.20. Athenian constitution. Eudemian ethics. On virtues and vices. -- v.21. Politics. -- v. 22. The "art" of rhetoric -- 23. The poetics. On the sublime / "Longinus". On style / Demetrius.
Griego e inglés en páginas opuestas.
0674993594 (American v. 1) 0434993255 ( British, v. 1) 0674994302 (American v. 2) 0434993911 ( British, v. 2) 0674992512 (American v. 4) 0434992283 ( British, v. 4) 0674992814 (American v. 5) 0434992550 ( British, v. 5) 0674993721 (American v. 6) 0434993387 ( British, v. 6) 0674993187 (American v. 8) 0434992887 ( British, v. 8) 0674992997 (American v. 17) 0434992712 ( British, v. 17) 0674993179 (American v. 18) 0434992879 ( British, v. 18) 0674990811 (American v. 19) 0434990736 ( British, v. 19)
Filosofía griega.
B407 / .C66 1973
Aristotle : in twenty-three volumes. - 23 volúmenes ; 17 cm. - Loeb classical library. 325, 391, 400, 228, 255, 338, 397, 288, 437, 438, 323, 366, 307, 316, 317, 271, 287, 73, 285, 264, 193, 199 .
Traductores: v. 1 H.P. Cooke.--v. 1-2, 17. H. Tredennick.--v.2-3, 12. E.S. Forester.--v. 3. D.J. Furley.--v. 4-5. F.M. Cornford, P.H. Wicksteed.--v. 6. W.K.C. Guthrie.--v. 7. H.D.P. Lee.--v. 8, 14-16. W.S. Hett.--v. 9-13. A.L. Peck.--v. 16, 19-20. H. Rackham.--v. 18. G.C. Armstrong.--v.22. J.H. Freese.--v.23. W.H. Fyfe, W.R. Roberts.
Contenido: v. 1. The categories. On interpretation. Prior analytics. -- v.2. Posterior analytics. Topica. -- v.3. On sophistical refutations. On coming-to-be and passing-away. On the cosmos. -- v.4-5. Physics. -- v.6. On the heavens. -- v.7. Meteorologica. -- v.8. On the soul. Parva naturalia. On breath. -- v.9-11. Historia animalium. -- v.12. Parts of animals. On movement of animals. Progression of animals. -- v.13. Generation of animals. -- v.14. Minor works. -- v.15. Problems, Books 1-21. -- v.16. Problems, Books 22-38. Rhetoric to Alexander. -- v.17. Metaphysics, Books 1-9. -- v.18. Metaphysics, Books 10-14. Oeconomica. Magna moralia. -- v.19. Nicomachean ethics. -- v.20. Athenian constitution. Eudemian ethics. On virtues and vices. -- v.21. Politics. -- v. 22. The "art" of rhetoric -- 23. The poetics. On the sublime / "Longinus". On style / Demetrius.
Griego e inglés en páginas opuestas.
0674993594 (American v. 1) 0434993255 ( British, v. 1) 0674994302 (American v. 2) 0434993911 ( British, v. 2) 0674992512 (American v. 4) 0434992283 ( British, v. 4) 0674992814 (American v. 5) 0434992550 ( British, v. 5) 0674993721 (American v. 6) 0434993387 ( British, v. 6) 0674993187 (American v. 8) 0434992887 ( British, v. 8) 0674992997 (American v. 17) 0434992712 ( British, v. 17) 0674993179 (American v. 18) 0434992879 ( British, v. 18) 0674990811 (American v. 19) 0434990736 ( British, v. 19)
Filosofía griega.
B407 / .C66 1973