- Swift, Jonathan,
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745 (Nombre personal)
- Svift, Dzhonatan, 1667-1745
- Du Baudrier, sieur, 1667-1745
- Wagstaff, Simon, 1667-1745
- Fribble, Timothy, 1667-1745
- Baudrier, sieur du, 1667-1745
- Drapier, M. B., 1667-1745
- Swift, J. (Jonathan), 1667-1745
- Author of The conduct of the allies, 1667-1745
- Conduct of the allies, Author of the, 1667-1745
- Philomath, T. N., 1667-1745
- T. N., 1667-1745
- N., T., 1667-1745
- TN, 1667-1745
- Swift, Dean (Jonathan), 1667-1745
- Hope, Thomas, 1667-1745
- A. B., 1667-1745
- B., A., 1667-1745
- Author of The short view of the state of Ireland, 1667-1745
- Short view of the state of Ireland, Author of the, 1667-1745
- Author of Gulliver's travels, 1667-1745
- Gulliver's travels, Author of, 1667-1745
- S----t, D--n (Dean Swift), 1667-1745
- D--n S----t (Dean Swift), 1667-1745
- Sṿifṭ, Yonatan, 1667-1745
- Misosarum, Gregory, 1667-1745
- Ssu-wei-fo-tʻe, Kʻuang-sheng, 1667-1745
- Fizle, Obadiah, 1667-1745
- Soyipht, Tzonathan, 1667-1745
- Soyipht, Iōnathan, 1667-1745
- Swift, Jonatán, 1667-1745
- Свифт, Джонатан, 1667-1745
- סבפט, יונתן, 1667־1745
- סוויפט, יאנאטהאן
- סויפט, יונתן
- סויפט, יונתן, 1667-1745
- סװיפט, יאנאטהאן
- סװיפט, י.
- רמות, רות, 1667-1745
- Bickerstaff, Isaac, 1667-1745
- Sviphṭa, Jonāthana, 1667-1745
His Gulliver's travels, 1864.
His Tittle tattle, 1749: t.p. (Timothy Fribble)
His A letter to the whole people if Ireland [MI] 1724: t.p. (M.B. Drapier, author of The shopkeepers, &c.)
His A proposal for correcting, improving, and ascertaining the English tongue [MI] 1712: signed p. 48 (J. Swift)
His Some remarks on the Barrier treaty between Her Majesty and the States-General [MI] 1712: t.p. (Author of The conduct of the allies)
His A famous prediction of Merlin, the British wizard [MI] 1709: t.p. (T.N., philomath)
His An answer to a paper called, a Memorial of the poor inhabitants, tradesmen and labourers of the kingdom of Ireland, 1728: t.p. (author of The short view of the state of Ireland) p. 16 (signed, A.B.)
Halkett & Laing (Philomath, T.N.--Jonathan Swift; Author of The short view of the state of Ireland & signed A.B.; Author of Gulliver's Travels--Jonathan Swift)
ESTC in RLIN, 10/4/88 (T.N. = Jonathan Swift)
His The swearer's-bank ... 1721: t.p. (To which is prefix'd, an Essay upon English bubbles, by Thomas Hope Esq.)
Cushing (Hope, Thomas, Esq., Jonathan Swift; author of The swearer's bank)
His Miscellanies, consisting chiefly of original pieces in prose and verse, 1734: t.p. (D--n S----t)
NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745; note: author of Miscellanies, consisting chiefly of original pieces in prose and verse)
His Some free thoughts upon the present state of affairs, 1741: t.p. (Author of Gulliver's travels)
Gulvier be-erets ha-gamadim, c1993: t.p. (Yonatan Sṿifṭ)
His A preface to the B----p of S-r-m's introduction to the third volume of the History of the reformation of the Church of England, 1713: t.p. (Gregory Misosarum)
His Hai wai hsüan chʻü lu, 1990: colophon (Kʻuang-sheng Ssu-wei-fo-tʻe, author of Gulliver's travels)
The benefit of farting explain'd, 1996: t.p. (Obadiah Fizle) cover (Jonathan Swift)
Gulliver en el país de los enanos, 1994: t.p. (Jonatán Swift)
BL database, 18 May 2007 (hdg.: Swift, Jonathan, Dean of St. Patrick's)
Tzonathan Souipht, 2010: (Tzonathan Souipht; Iōnathan Souipht [Jonathan Swift])
Wikipedia, 10 July 2015: Isaac Bickerstaff (Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.; pseudonym for Jonathan Swift, under which Swift wrote Predictions for the year 1708 and A vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff)
Oxford dictionary of national biography online, 10 July 2015: Search/Swift, Jonathan (Swift, Jonathan; wrote Predictions for the year 1708 under pseudonym Isaac Bickerstaff)
Gulivara kī yātrāem̐, 2010: title page (Jonāthana Sviphṭa)