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- García y García, Antonio,
García y García, Antonio, 1928-2013 (Nombre personal)
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- García, Antonio García y, 1928-
- García García, Antonio, 1928-
- Cabecera anterior: García y García, Antonio, 1928-
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Old catalog heading: García García, Antonio
Laurentius hispanus, 1956.
Bibliothèque nationale de France, via VIAF, 15 January 2014 (García y García, Antonio; born 7 January 1928, Bretoña, Lugo, Spain; Franciscan priest, ordained 1952; professor of canon law at University of Salamanca)
Synodicon Hispanum. Volume 12, 2014: title page (Antonio García y García [deceased])
The Catholic historical review, Winter 2014: page 193 (Obituaries: Antonio García y García, O.F.M.; born in Bretoña (Lugo, Galicia) on January 7, 1928; died on July 8, 2013, in the Franciscan convent of Chipiona (Cadiz))