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- Gregorio Magno
Gregorio Magno I, Papa, aproximadamente 540-604 (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Grégoire, le Grand, Saint, approximately 540-604
- Gregory Pope, approximately 540-604 I,
- Gregor, der Grosse, Saint, approximately 540-604
- Gregorio, Magno, Saint, approximately 540-604
- Grēgorios I, Pope, approximately 540-604
- Gregorius, de Grote, Saint, approximately 540-604
- Cabecera anterior: Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope, (ca.) 540-604
- Gregorius, Magnus, Saint, approximately 540-604
- Cabecera anterior: Gregory I, Pope, ca. 540-604
- Gregory, the Great, Saint, approximately 540-604
The Earliest life of Gregory the Great ... 1968.
Dekkers, E. Voordrachten over de heilige Gregorius der Grote, 1986.
Gregory I, Pope. Vioi agnōstōn askētōn, 1988: p. 5: (Hagiou Grēgoriou tou Megalou Papa Rōmēs) p. 15 (Ho hagios Grēgorios ho Megas (540-604))
Catholic Encyclopedia www site, 20 Sept. 2007: Pope St. Gregory I page (consecrated pope 3 Sept. 590)
Wikipedia, 26 January 2011 (Pope Gregory I (Latin: Gregorius I) (c. 540-12 March 604), better known in English as Gregory the Great, was pope from 3 September 590 until his death)