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- Beauchamp, Tom L.
Beauchamp, Tom L. (Nombre personal)
Contemporary issues in bioethics. c1978.
Health and human values, c1983: t.p. (Tom Beauchamp)
His Philosophical problems of causation, 1974.
The human use of animals, 2008: t.p. (Tom L. Beauchamp, PhD; prof., Dept. of Philosophy, senior res. scholar, Kennedy Inst. of Ethics, Georgetown Univ.)
OCLC, May 21, 2008 (hdg.: Beauchamp, Tom L.; Beauchamp, Tom Lamar, 1939- ; usage: Tom L. Beauchamp; Tom Lamar Beauchamp)
The use of deception in research, 2013: title screen (Tom Beauchamp, PhD) resources access p. (Senior Research Scholar, Kennedy Institute of Ethics and Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy Department, Georgetown University)
Beauchamp was born December 2, 1939