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- Wright, Dale Stuart
Wright, Dale Stuart (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Wright, Dale S. (Dale Stuart)
- Wright, Dale, 1948-
nuc86-29468: His Emptiness and paradox in the thought of Fa-tsang, 1980 (hdg. on GEU-T rept.: Wright, Dale Stuart; usage: Dale Stuart Wright)
Philosophical meditations on Zen Buddhism, 1998: t.p. (Dale S. Wright) p. i (Prof. of Religious Studies, Occidental Coll.)
Occidental Coll., Religious Studies home page, Aug. 26, 1999 (Dale Wright, Ph. D., Univ. of Iowa)
Digital dissertations, June 6, 2006 (Wright, Dale Stuart, Ph. D., The University of Iowa, 1980--Emptiness and paradox in the thought of Fa-tsang)
U.S. copyright file, June 6, 2006 (Wright, Dale Stuart, 1948- )