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Vista MARC
- Tsatsos, Kōnstantinos,
Tsatsos, Kōnstantinos, 1899-1987 (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Τσατσος, Κωνσταντινος, 1899-1987
- Tsatsos, Constantin, 1899-1987
- Tsatsos, Constantine, 1899-1987
- Tsatsos, Kōnst. (Kōnstantinos), 1899-1987
- Τσατσος, Κωνστ. (Κωνσταντινος), 1899-1987
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Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Aphierōma ston Kōnstantino Tsatso, 1980: t.p. (Kōnstantino Tsatso) added t.p. (Constantin Tsatsos; Constantine Tsatsos; in May of 1980 was elected President of the Greek Republic; previously Prof. of Philosophy of law in the University of Athens)
LC data base, 7/11/84 (hdg.: Tsatsos, Kōnstantinos, 1899- )
Apochairetismos, 1988: t.p (Kōnstantinou Tsatsou) p. 15 (d. Oct. 1987)
Dokimia aisthētikēs kai paideias, 1960: t.p. (Kōnst. Tsatsou)
Historia tēs neoellēnikēs logotechnias, 1968: p. 448 (K. Tsatsos published his first work under the pseud. Ēvos Delphos)