- Alonso de la Vera Cruz,
Alonso de la Vera Cruz, fray, aproximadamente 1507-1584 (Nombre personal)
- Alfonsus, a Veracruce, Frater, approximately 1507-1584
- Alfonsus a Veracruce, Frater, approximately 1507-1584
- Cabecera anterior: Alonso de la Vera Cruz, fray, ca. 1507-1584
- Cabecera anterior: Alonso de la Veracruz, Father, ca. 1507-1584
- Alonso de la Veracruz, fray, approximately 1507-1584
- Alphonsus a Veracruce, approximately 1507-1584
- Alonso, de Veracruz, approximately 1507-1584
- Gutiérrez, Alonso, approximately 1507-1584
- Illephonsus, a Vera Cruce, Frater, approximately 1507-1584
- Illephonsus a Vera Cruce, Frater, approximately 1507-1584
- Vera Cruce, Illephonsus a, approximately 1507-1584
- Vera Cruz, Alonso de la, approximately 1507-1584
- Veracruce, Alfonsus a, approximately 1507-1584
- Veracruce, Alphonsus a, approximately 1507-1584
- Veracruz, Alonso de, fray, approximately 1507-1584
Cerezo de Diego, P. Alonso de Veracruz y el derecho de gentes, 1985.
Speculum coniugiorum, 1572: title page (F[rater] Illephonsus a Vera Cruce, Sacri Ordinis Eremitarum S. August.); appendix, title page (Frater Alfonsus a Veracruce, Ordinis Aeremitarum Sancti Augustini)
Palau y Dulcet, 2nd ed. (Veracruz, Alonso de; Augustinian; secular name: Alonso Gutiérrez)
Phisica, speculatio, 1557: t.p. (R.P.F. Alphonsum a Veracruce, Augustinianae...)
De iusto bello contra Indos, 1997: title page (Alonso de Veracruz) page 19 (Alonso de Veracruz; professor at Salamanca and missionary in New Spain)
The writings of Alonso de la Vera Cruz. II, 1968: title page (Alonso de la Vera Cruz) pages 9-15 (Alonso; born about 1507 in Caspueñas in the diocese of Toledo, Spain; ordained to the priesthood in 1531; sailed to Vera Cruz, Mexico, in 1536 and joined the Augustinian order in the same year; died in Mexico City in July of 1584)