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  • Central Secretariat of Sodalities of Our Lady

Central Secretariat of Sodalities of Our Lady (Nombre corporativo)

Forma preferida: Central Secretariat of Sodalities of Our Lady
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Central Secretariate of the Sodalities of Our Lady
  • Congregaciones Marianas. Secretariado Central
  • Congregationes Marianae (Roma). Secretariatus Centralis
  • Congrégations Mariales Secrétariat Général
  • Oblata a Secretariatu Centrali Congregationum B.M.V.
  • Secretariaat-Generaal der Maria-Kongregaties
  • Secretariatus Centralis Congregationum Marianarum
  • Sodalities of Our Lady. Central Secretariat
  • World Federation of the Sodalties of Our Lady. Central Secretariat
Ver además:

Acies ordinata, Three language edition, Autumn 1967: inside cover (Central Secretariat of the Sodalities of Our Lady)

Acies ordinata, Three language edition, no. 4, 1961: inside cover (Central Secretariate of the Sodalities of Our Lady)

Acies ordinata, January 1948: title page (Secretariatus Centralis Congregationum Marianarum)

Acies ordinata [French edition], November 1937: title page (Les Congrégations Mariales ... Secrétariat Général)

Acies ordinata, Feb. 2, 1924: title page (Oblata a Secretariatu Centrali Congregationum B.M.V.)

Acies ordinata, September-December 1959: inside cover (Central Secretariate of Sodalities of Our Lady, Casella Postale 9048, Rome)

Acies ordinata, October-November-December 1929: caption title (Borgo S. Spirito 5, Roma (113) Italia)

Christian Life Community website, August 14, 2017 : (First Marian congregation formed in 1563; by 1567 was meeting with others; in 1922 Fr. Ledochowski convened a meeting of the congregations and founded a central secretariat; in 1967 a world federation declared "a new name and a new beginning" for the collective: Christian Life Communities)

Wikipedia, August 14, 2017: Sodality of Our Lady (With the formation of the CLC [Christian Life Communities] the former World Federation of Sodalities no longer exists. Some parish sodalities opted either not to join the CLC or subsequently withdrew. Sodality has no central organization; each Sodality is considered autonomous)

OCLC database, August 14, 2017: usage (Secretariatus Centralis Congregationum Marianarum; Central Secretariat of Sodalities of Our Lady; Secretariaat-Generaal der Maria-Kongregaties) headings (Congrégations Mariales. Secrétariat Général; Congregationes Marianae (Roma). Secretariatus Centralis; Congregaciones Marianas. Secretariado Central; World Federation of the Sodalties of Our Lady. Central Secretariat)

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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