- Prochnow, Herbert V.
Prochnow, Herbert V. (Herbert Victor), 1897-1998 (Nombre personal)
- Cabecera anterior: Prochnow, Herbert Victor, 1897-
- Prochnow, Herbert Victor, 1897-1998
Murphy, C. D. The next century is America's, c1938.
Bank credit, 1981: t.p. (Herbert V. Prochnow)
CA online, July 30, 2007 (Herbert V. Prochnow, b. May 18, 1897; d. Sept. 29, 1998; aka Thomas Herbert, Tom Herbert)
Toastmaster's handbook, 1949: t.p. (Herbert V. Prochnow) jkt. (Herbert V. Prochnow; Vice-President of the First National Bank of Chicago; lecturer, toastmaster, wit and author)
LC/NACO in VIAF, 3 February 2017 (hdg.: Prochnow, Herbert V. (herbert Victor), 1897-1998; gender: male; language: English)
Gale literary index, via WWW, viewed February 3, 2021 (Herbert V. Prochnow; born May 19, 1897 in Wilton, Wisconsin; died September 29, 1998 in Evanston, Illinois; nationality: American; other names: Prochnow, Herbert Victor)
Gale literature resource center, via WWW, viewed February 3, 2021 (Herbert V. Prochnow; born May 18, 1897, in Wilton, WI; died September 29, 1998, in Evanston, IL; writings by the author: (As Thomas Herbert) Via the Air Shaft: A Fantasy in One Act, S. French, 1934; (As Tom Herbert) Castle Capers: A Fantastic Farce in Two Acts for Younger Players, Row-Peterson Plays, 1935; The Next Century Is America's, Greenberg, 1938; Practical Bank Credit, Harper, 1939, 2nd revised edition, 1963; The Banker's Stewardship, c. 1940; The Public Speaker's Treasury Chest: A Compendium of Source Material to Make Your Speech Sparkle, Harper, 1942, revised and enlarged edition (with son, Herbert V. Prochnow, Jr.), 1964, third edition, 1977, fourth edition, 1986; (Editor) Great Stories from Great Lives, Harper, 1944, reprinted, Books for Libraries Press, 1971; Meditations on the Ten Commandments, Wilde, 1946, reprinted as Inspirational Thoughts on the Ten Commandments, Baker Book House, 1970; The Toastmaster's Handbook, Prentice-Hall, 1949, reprinted, as The Toastmaster's and Speaker's Handbook, Pocket Books, 1955; Term Loans and Theories of Bank Liquidity, Prentice-Hall, 1949; (Editor with others) American Financial Institutions, Prentice-Hall, 1951, reprinted, Books for Libraries Press, 1971; The Successful Speaker's Handbook, Prentice-Hall, 1951, reprinted, Prentice-Hall, 1977(?); 1001 Ways to Improve Your Conversation and Speeches, Harper, 1952, reprinted, Greenwood Press, 1972; Meditations on the Beatitudes, Wilde, 1952, reprinted as Inspirational Thoughts on the Beatitudes, Baker Book House, 1970; The Speaker's Treasury of Stories for All Occasions, Prentice-Hall, 1953; Determining the Business Outlook, Harper, 1954; Speaker's Handbook of Epigrams and Witticisms, Harper, 1955; Speaker's Treasury for Sunday School Teachers, Wilde, 1955; The New Guide for Toastmasters and Speakers, Prentice-Hall, 1956; A Treasury of Stories, Illustrations, Epigrams and Quotations for Ministers and Teachers, Wilde, 1957; Meditations on the Lord's Prayer, Wilde, 1957, reprinted as Inspirational Thoughts on the Lord's Prayer, Baker Book House, 1970; A Family Treasury of Inspiration and Faith, Wilde, 1958; The New Speaker's Treasury of Wit and Wisdom, Harper, 1958; The Speaker's Book of Illustration, Wilde, 1960; The Complete Toastmaster: A New Treasury for Speakers, Prentice-Hall, 1960; Effective Public Speaking, Washington Square Press, 1960; The Federal Reserve System, Harper, 1960; (With son, Herbert V. Prochnow, Jr.) A Dictionary of Wit, Wisdom and Satire, Harper, 1962; 1000 Tips and Quips for Speakers and Toastmasters, Wilde, 1962; Economic, Political, and Social Trends in Latin America, 1963(?); 1400 Ideas for Speaker and Toastmasters: How to Speak with Confidence, Wilde, 1964; (Editor) World Economic Problems and Policies, Harper, 1965; The Successful Toastmaster: A Treasure Chest of Introductions, Epigrams, Humor, and Quotations, Harper, 1966; (Editor) The Five-year Outlook for Interest Rates, Rand McNally, 1968; (As Thomas Herbert) The Speaker's Source Book: 1800 Stories, Quips and Illustrations for All Occasions, Denison, 1969; (With H. V. Prochnow, Jr.) A Treasury of Humorous Quotations for Speakers, Writers, and Home Reference, Harper, 1969; (Editor) The One-Bank Holding Company, Rand McNally, 1969; (Editor) The Eurodollar, Rand McNally, 1970; (With Everett M. Dirksen) Quotation Finder, Harper, 1971; Tree of Life, Baker Book, 1972; (Editor) The Five-year Outlook for Interest Rates in the United States and Abroad, Rand McNally, 1972; A Speaker's Treasury for Educators, Convocation Speakers, Baccalaureate Speakers, Commencement Speakers, PTA Officers, School Board Members, and Others, Baker Book, 1973; The Speaker's and Toastmaster's Handbook, Denison, 1973, reprinted, Prima Publishing, 1990; published as 1000 Quips, Stories and Illustrations for All Occasions, Baker Book, 1973; The Changing World of Banking, Harper, 1974; (With son, H. V. Prochnow, Jr.) The Toastmaster's Treasure Chest, Harper, 1979, second edition, 1988; Dilemmas Facing the Nation, Harper, 1979; Bank Credit, Harper, 1981; Toastmaster's Quips & Stories and How to Use Them, Sterling Publishing Co., 1982, revised as 1,497 Jokes, Stories & Anecdotes: A Speaker's Handbook, 1985; (With son, with Herbert V. Prochnow, Jr.) A Treasure Chest of Quotations for All Occasions, Harper, 1983; A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Podium: The Speaker's Complete Guide to Great Jokes, Anecdotes, and Stories, Prima Publishing, 1998; Financial columnist for Chicago Tribune, 1968-70. Contributor to numerous periodicals, including Saturday Evening Post, Reader's Digest, Coronet, and Ladies' Home Journal)