TEST - Catálogo BURRF
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  • Federico

Federico II, Rey de prusia, 1712-1786 (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Federico II, Rey de prusia, 1712-1786
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Friedrich, der Grosse, 1712-1786
  • Frédéric, le Grand, 1712-1786
  • Fridrikh, Velikiĭ, 1712-1786
  • Fryderyk, Wielki, 1712-1786
  • Frederik, den Store, 1712-1786
  • Cabecera anterior: Friedrich II, der Grosse, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Frederick, the Great, 1712-1786
  • Friedrich II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Frederik, Büyük, 1712-1786
  • Frédéric II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Federico II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Fryderyk II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Fredrik II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786
  • Philosophe de Sans-Souci, 1712-1786
  • פרידריך, הגדול
  • Hohenzollern, Frederick, 1712-1786
  • Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786

Meyers, P. Friedrich II. von Preussen im Geschichtsbild ... 1983: t.p. (Friedrich II. von Preussen)

Osmanlılar ve Büyük Frederik ... 1917: t.p. (Büyük Frederik)

Mervaud, C. Voltaire et Frédéric II, 1985: t.p. (Frédéric II)

Bach, C.P.E. Sei sonate per cembalo, 1986: t.p. (Federico II, Rè di Prussia)

Smelding, A. von. Die göttliche Emilie, c1933: t.p. (in subtitle: Fridericus)

Ben-Aryeh, K. Fridrikh ha-Gadol, 1990: t.p. (Fridrikh ha-Gadol) t.p. verso (Frederick the Great [in rom.])

Kracherowa, N. "Partyzant moralności," c1989: cover (Fryderyk II)

Carl XII och Fredrik II spela schack ... 1994.

Œuvres du philosophe de Sans-Souci, 1760.

His Frederick's orders [ER], ©2013: title frame (Frederick Hohenzollern; Frederick the Great) front matter frame (Frederick II, King of Prussia, 1712-1786) introduction page 1 (Military strategist)

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Secretaría de Extensión y Cultura - Dirección de Bibliotecas @
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