Cores to Clusters : A Scientific Autobiography / edited by M. S. N. Kumar, M. Tafalla, P. Caselli.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9780387263571
- QB1-991
Springer eBooks
Review Articles -- Physical Properties of Prestellar Cores -- Impulsively Triggered Star Formation -- Starless Cores -- Chemical Processes in Star Forming Regions -- Protostellar Jets: A High Angular Resolution Perspective -- Non-Isothermal Gravoturbulent Fragmentation -- The Birth of Massive Stars and Star Clusters -- Precursors of UchII Regions and the Evolution of Massive Outflows -- Observations of Accretion onto High Mass Stars -- Disks Around Massive (proto)Stars -- Embedded Clusters -- Massive Protostars and Small Protoclusters -- Pre-Main-Sequence Evolutionand Brown Dwarfs Beyond the Solar Vicinity -- Brown Dwarfs -- Contributed Poster Articles -- Revealing the Structure of Lupine Darkness: from Cores to Clusters -- Infrared Study of the Southern Galactic Star Forming Region Associated with Iras 10049-5657 -- Studying Protostellar Jets through a Combined Infrared/Optical Spectral Analysis -- Preliminary Results on Newly Discovered Embedded Clusters.
Toward the second half of this decade, several major telescope facilities operating in the infrared, sub-millimeter, and millimeter wave bands will become operational. These missions are expected to throw much light on our understanding of the star formation phenomenon, which is one of the primary science goals in these wave bands. This book contains the proceedings of the "Cores to Clusters" workshop held at Centro de Astrofisica da Universidade do Porto. The mission of the workshop was to discuss current and future issues in star formation physics in the light of these Next Generation Telescopes. This book is comprised of a mixture of articles that provide a comprehensive coverage of current topics including both low and high mass star formation. It serves as a practical compendium for graduate students and young researchers working in the field of star formation.
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