The Legacies of Richard Popkin / edited by Jeremy D. Popkin.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9781402084744
- B108-5802
Springer eBooks
Richard H. Popkin and the History of Philosophy -- Popkin Non-Scepticus -- À Rebours: Richard Popkin' Contributions To Intellectual History -- Popkin' Spinoza -- Assessing The Work Of Richard H. Popkin From The Vantage Point Of Comparative Philosophy -- Gilles Deleuze: From Hume To Spinoza(An Attempt To Make Good On A Popkin Request) -- Religion and Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century -- Richard H. Popkin' Concept Of The Third Force And The Newtonian Synthesis Of Theology And Scientific Methodology In Isaac Newton And Samuel Clarke -- The Third Force Revisited -- The Study Of The Mishnah And The Quest For Christian Identity In Early Eighteenth-Century England: Completing A Narrative Initiated By Richard Popkin -- Popkin and the Skeptical Tradition -- Popkin' Skepticism And The Cynical Tradition -- Charron And Huet: Two Unexplored Legacies Of Popkin'S Scholarship On Early Modern Skepticism -- The Quarrel Over Ancient And Modern Scepticism: Some Reflections On Descartes And His Context -- Popkin and the Jews -- Richard Popkin' Marrano Problem -- Popkin And The Jews -- The Spirit Of The Eighteenth Century In The Anti-Sabbatean Polemics Of Hakham David Nieto -- Popkin Close Up -- Richard Popkin And Philosophymade Simple -- In His Own Words: Richard Popkin' Career In Philosophy.
Richard H. Popkin (1923-2005) transformed the study of the history of philosophy in the second half of the twentieth century. His History of Scepticism and his many other publications demonstrated the centrality of the problem of skepticism in the development of modern thought, the intimate connections between philosophy and religion, and the importance of contacts between Jewish and Christian thinkers. In this volume, scholars from around the world assess Popkin’s contributions to the many fields in which he was interested. The Legacies of Richard Popkin provides a broad overview of Popkin’s work and demonstrates the connections between the many topics he wrote about. A concluding article, by Popkin’s son Jeremy Popkin, draws on private letters to provide a picture of Popkin’s life and career in his own words, revealing the richness of the documents now accessible to scholars in the Richard Popkin papers at the William Andrews Clark Library in Los Angeles.
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