Carotid Artery Stenting: The Basics / edited by Jacqueline Saw.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9781603273145
- RC681-688.2
Springer eBooks
Carotid Artery Stenosis and Management -- Carotid Artery Stenosis Prevalence and Medical Therapy -- Carotid Revascularization: Carotid Endarterectomy -- Carotid Stenting Registries and Randomized Trials -- Laboratory Set-up and Background Noninvasive Imaging -- Catheterization Laboratory: X-Ray Equipment, Imaging Modalities and Programs, and Radiation Safety -- Noninvasive Imaging of the Extracranial Carotid Circulation -- Patient and Operator Preparation for Carotid Stenting -- Pre-procedural Patient Preparation -- Patient Selection for Carotid Stenting -- Operator Training and Accreditation -- Technical Approach of Carotid Artery Stenting -- Vascular Access: Femoral, Radial, Brachial, and Direct Carotid Approach -- Aortic Arch and Cerebrovascular Anatomy and Angiography -- Extracranial Carotid Stent Interventional Approach -- Equipment for Extracranial Carotid Artery Stenting -- The Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke -- Complications and Post-procedural Monitoring -- Complications Related to Carotid Stenting -- Post-Procedural Monitoring and Follow-Up.
Over the past three decades, carotid artery stenting has evolved to become a promising and viable alternative to carotid endarterectomy, especially for patients deemed to have high surgical risks. In Carotid Artery Stenting: The Basics, Jacqueline Saw and a panel of international experts on carotid artery stenting discuss in depth the details of all contemporary aspects of carotid stenting, while reviewing supporting studies, guidelines, technical perspectives, and peri-procedural management. This textbook serves as a learning resource on the multifaceted management of patients with carotid artery stenosis, with the key focus on extracranial carotid artery stenting. Additional sections detail the specifics of setting up and maintaining a laboratory and discuss the preparation of the carotid artery stenting procedure from both the patient and operator’s perspective. Authoritative and highly practical, Carotid Artery Stenting: The Basics is an accessible guide and valuable resource for today’s cardiologists, radiologists, and vascular surgeons.
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