TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Advanced Endourology : The Complete Clinical Guide / edited by Stephen Y. Nakada, Margaret S. Pearle.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Current Clinical UrologyEditor: Totowa, NJ : Humana Press, 2006Descripción: recurso en líneaTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9781592599547
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • RC870-923.2
Recursos en línea:
Diagnosis and Instrumentation -- Endoscopic Imaging and Instrumentation -- Access, Stents, and Urinary Drainage -- Percutaneous Access to the Urinary Tract -- Lateralizing Essential Hematuria -- Diagnosis and Surveillance of Upper Tract Tumors -- Calculus Therapy -- Ureteroscopy -- Ureteropyeloscopy for Calculi -- Percutaneous Stone Removal -- Calculus Therapy -- Incisional Therapy -- Antegrade Endopyelotomy -- Retrograde Endopyelotomy -- Percutaneous Endopyeloplasty -- Endoureterotomy -- Treatment of Caliceal Diverticula -- Ablative Therapy -- Percutaneous Approach to Upper Urinary Tract Tumors -- Ureteroscopic Treatment of Upper Tract Neoplasms -- Complications of Endourology -- Complications of Percutaneous Approaches, Including Incisions -- Complications of Ureteroscopic Approaches, Including Incisions -- Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery -- Pediatric Endourology.
Resumen: Although most clinical urologists use various basic endourological techniques in their practices, the complex upper tract pathology and anatomy often requires more advanced endoscopic skills and instrumentation. In Advanced Endourology: The Complete Clinical Guide, leading national and international urologists in the field of endourology describe standard and advanced endoscopic procedures for treating upper tract pathology. The authors provide step-by-step instructions for the latest endoscopic procedures, ranging from upper urinary tract calculi and strictures to urothelial cancer. Authoritative and highly instructive, Advanced Endourology: The Complete Clinical Guide offers active urologists and urology residents not only a comprehensive, illustrated guide to endourological procedures-particularly the more advanced techniques-but also a practical means to expand the range and scope of the procedures they perform.
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Springer eBooks

Diagnosis and Instrumentation -- Endoscopic Imaging and Instrumentation -- Access, Stents, and Urinary Drainage -- Percutaneous Access to the Urinary Tract -- Lateralizing Essential Hematuria -- Diagnosis and Surveillance of Upper Tract Tumors -- Calculus Therapy -- Ureteroscopy -- Ureteropyeloscopy for Calculi -- Percutaneous Stone Removal -- Calculus Therapy -- Incisional Therapy -- Antegrade Endopyelotomy -- Retrograde Endopyelotomy -- Percutaneous Endopyeloplasty -- Endoureterotomy -- Treatment of Caliceal Diverticula -- Ablative Therapy -- Percutaneous Approach to Upper Urinary Tract Tumors -- Ureteroscopic Treatment of Upper Tract Neoplasms -- Complications of Endourology -- Complications of Percutaneous Approaches, Including Incisions -- Complications of Ureteroscopic Approaches, Including Incisions -- Pediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery -- Pediatric Endourology.

Although most clinical urologists use various basic endourological techniques in their practices, the complex upper tract pathology and anatomy often requires more advanced endoscopic skills and instrumentation. In Advanced Endourology: The Complete Clinical Guide, leading national and international urologists in the field of endourology describe standard and advanced endoscopic procedures for treating upper tract pathology. The authors provide step-by-step instructions for the latest endoscopic procedures, ranging from upper urinary tract calculi and strictures to urothelial cancer. Authoritative and highly instructive, Advanced Endourology: The Complete Clinical Guide offers active urologists and urology residents not only a comprehensive, illustrated guide to endourological procedures-particularly the more advanced techniques-but also a practical means to expand the range and scope of the procedures they perform.

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