High Performance Computing for Computational Science - VECPAR 2004 : 6th International Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 28-30, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers / edited by Michel Daydé, Jack Dongarra, Vicente Hernández, José M. L. M. Palma.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9783540318545
- QA76.758
Springer eBooks
1: Large Scale Computations -- Large Scale Simulations -- Development and Integration of Parallel Multidisciplinary Computational Software for Modeling a Modern Manufacturing Process -- Automatically Tuned FFTs for BlueGene/L’s Double FPU -- A Survey of High-Quality Computational Libraries and Their Impact in Science and Engineering Applications -- A Performance Evaluation of the Cray X1 for Scientific Applications -- Modelling Overhead of Tuple Spaces with Design of Experiments -- Analysis of the Interaction of Electromagnetic Signals with Thin-Wires Structures. Multiprocessing Issues for an Iterative Method -- A Performance Prediction Model for Tomographic Reconstruction in Structural Biology -- 2: Data Management and Data Mining -- Data Management in Large-Scale P2P Systems -- A High Performance System for Processing Queries on Distributed Geospatial Data Sets -- Parallel Implementation of Information Retrieval Clustering Models -- Distributed Processing of Large BioMedical 3D Images -- Developing Distributed Data Mining Applications in the Knowledge Grid Framework -- Scaling Up the Preventive Replication of Autonomous Databases in Cluster Systems -- Parallel Implementation of a Fuzzy Rule Based Classifier -- 3: Grid Computing Infrastructure -- The EGEE European Grid Infrastructure Project -- Grid Technology for Biomedical Applications -- Three-Dimensional Cardiac Electrical Activity Simulation on Cluster and Grid Platforms -- 2DRMP-G: Migrating a Large-Scale Numerical Mathematical Application to a Grid Environment -- Design of an OGSA-Compliant Grid Information Service Using .NET Technologies -- A Web-Based Application Service Provision Architecture for Enabling High-Performance Image Processing -- Influence of Grid Economic Factors on Scheduling and Migration -- Extended Membership Problem for Open Groups: Specification and Solution -- Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms for Computational Science on the Grid: Three Case Studies -- Security Mechanism for Medical Image Information on PACS Using Invisible Watermark -- 4: Cluster Computing -- Parallel Generalized Finite Element Method for Magnetic Multiparticle Problems -- Parallel Model Reduction of Large Linear Descriptor Systems via Balanced Truncation -- A Parallel Algorithm for Automatic Particle Identification in Electron Micrographs -- Parallel Resolution of the Two-Group Time Dependent Neutron Diffusion Equation with Public Domain ODE Codes -- FPGA Implementations of the RNR Cellular Automata to Model Electrostatic Field -- PerWiz: A What-If Prediction Tool for Tuning Message Passing Programs -- Maintaining Cache Coherency for B?+? Tree Indexes in a Shared Disks Cluster -- Message Strip-Mining Heuristics for High Speed Networks -- Analysis of the Abortion Rate on Lazy Replication Protocols -- protoRAID: A User-Level RAID Emulator for Fast Prototyping in Fibre Channel SAN Environment -- Parallel Computational Model with Dynamic Load Balancing in PC Clusters -- Dynamically Adaptive Binomial Trees for Broadcasting in Heterogeneous Networks of Workstations -- 5: Parallel and Distributed Computing -- Parallel Simulation of Multicomponent Systems -- Parallel Boundary Elements: A Portable 3-D Elastostatic Implementation for Shared Memory Systems -- On Dependence Analysis for SIMD Enhanced Processors -- A Preliminary Nested-Parallel Framework to Efficiently Implement Scientific Applications -- Exploiting Multilevel Parallelism Within Modern Microprocessors: DWT as a Case Study -- Domain Decomposition Methods for PDE Constrained Optimization Problems -- Parallelism in Bioinformatics Workflows -- Complete Pattern Matching: Recursivity Versus Multi-threading -- Probabilistic Program Analysis for Parallelizing Compilers -- 6: Linear and Non-Linear Algebra -- Parallel Acceleration of Krylov Solvers by Factorized Approximate Inverse Preconditioners -- Krylov and Polynomial Iterative Solvers Combined with Partial Spectral Factorization for SPD Linear Systems -- Three Parallel Algorithms for Solving Nonlinear Systems and Optimization Problems -- Numerical Integration of the Differential Riccati Equation: A High Performance Computing Approach -- An Efficient and Stable Parallel Solution for Non-symmetric Toeplitz Linear Systems -- Partial Spectral Information from Linear Systems to Speed-Up Numerical Simulations in Computational Fluid Dynamics -- Parallel Newton Iterative Methods Based on Incomplete LU Factorizations for Solving Nonlinear Systems.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 6th International Conference on High Performance Computing for Computational Science, VECPAR 2004, held in Valencia, Spain, in June 2004. The 48 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from initially 130 contributions. The papers are organized in topical sections on large-scale computations, data management and data mining, GRID computing infrastructure, cluster computing, parallel and distributed computing, and computational linear and non-linear algebra.
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