Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics : 8th International Conference, PPAM 2009, Wroclaw, Poland, September 13-16, 2009. Revised Selected Papers, Part I / edited by Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack Dongarra, Konrad Karczewski, Jerzy Wasniewski.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9783642143908
- QA76.758
Springer eBooks
Parallel/Distributed Architectures and Mobile Computing -- Evaluating Performance of New Quad-Core Intel®Xeon®5500 Family Processors for HPC -- Interval Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Star Networks -- Graphs Partitioning: An Optimal MIMD Queueless Routing for BPC-Permutations on Hypercubes -- Probabilistic Packet Relaying in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -- Numerical Algorithms and Parallel Numerics -- On the Performance of a New Parallel Algorithm for Large-Scale Simulations of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations -- Partial Data Replication as a Strategy for Parallel Computing of the Multilevel Discrete Wavelet Transform -- Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Parallel Flow Problems -- A Balancing Domain Decomposition Method for a Discretization of a Plate Problem on Nonmatching Grids -- Application Specific Processors for the Autoregressive Signal Analysis -- A Parallel Non-square Tiled Algorithm for Solving a Kind of BVP for Second-Order ODEs -- Graph Grammar Based Petri Nets Model of Concurrency for Self-adaptive hp-Finite Element Method with Rectangular Elements -- Numerical Solution of the Time and Rigidity Dependent Three Dimensional Second Order Partial Differential Equation -- Hardware Implementation of the Exponent Based Computational Core for an Exchange-Correlation Potential Matrix Generation -- Parallel Implementation of Conjugate Gradient Method on Graphics Processors -- Iterative Solution of Linear and Nonlinear Boundary Problems Using PIES -- Paralel and Distributed Non-numerical Algorithms -- Implementing a Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm -- Parallel Computing Scheme for Graph Grammar-Based Syntactic Pattern Recognition -- Extended Cascaded Star Schema for Distributed Spatial Data Warehouse -- Parallel Longest Increasing Subsequences in Scalable Time and Memory -- A Scalable Parallel Union-Find Algorithm for Distributed Memory Computers -- Tools and Environments for Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing -- Extracting Both Affine and Non-linear Synchronization-Free Slices in Program Loops -- A Flexible Checkpoint/Restart Model in Distributed Systems -- A Formal Approach to Replica Consistency in Directory Service -- Software Security in the Model for Service Oriented Architecture Quality -- Automatic Program Parallelization for Multicore Processors -- Request Distribution in Hybrid Processing Environments -- Vine Toolkit - Grid-Enabled Portal Solution for Community Driven Computing Workflows with Meta-scheduling Capabilities -- Applications of Parallel/Distributed Computing -- GEM – A Platform for Advanced Mathematical Geosimulations -- Accelerating the MilkyWay@Home Volunteer Computing Project with GPUs -- Vascular Network Modeling - Improved Parallel Implementation on Computing Cluster -- Parallel Adaptive Finite Element Package with Dynamic Load Balancing for 3D Thermo-Mechanical Problems -- Parallel Implementation of Multidimensional Scaling Algorithm Based on Particle Dynamics -- Particle Model of Tumor Growth and Its Parallel Implementation -- Applied Mathematics and Neural Networks -- Modular Neuro-Fuzzy Systems Based on Generalized Parametric Triangular Norms -- Application of Stacked Methods to Part-of-Speech Tagging of Polish -- Computationally Efficient Nonlinear Predictive Control Based on State-Space Neural Models -- Relational Type-2 Interval Fuzzy Systems -- Properties of Polynomial Bases Used in a Line-Surface Intersection Algorithm -- Minisymposium on GPU Computing -- A GPU Approach to the Simulation of Spatio–temporal Dynamics in Ultrasonic Resonators -- Reduction to Condensed Forms for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems on Multi-core Architectures -- On Parallelizing the MRRR Algorithm for Data-Parallel Coprocessors -- Fast In-Place Sorting with CUDA Based on Bitonic Sort -- Finite Element Numerical Integration on GPUs -- Modeling and Optimizing the Power Performance of Large Matrices Multiplication on Multi-core and GPU Platform with CUDA -- Stream Processing on GPUs Using Distributed Multimedia Middleware -- Simulations of the Electrical Activity in the Heart with Graphic Processing Units -- Parallel Minimax Tree Searching on GPU -- A Fast GPU Implementation for Solving Sparse Ill-Posed Linear Equation Systems -- The Second Minisymposium on Cell/B.E. Technologies -- Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Glass Systems on the Cell Broadband Engine -- Montgomery Multiplication on the Cell -- An Exploration of CUDA and CBEA for Einstein@Home -- Introducing the Semi-stencil Algorithm -- Astronomical Period Searching on the Cell Broadband Engine -- Finite Element Numerical Integration on PowerXCell Processors -- The Implementation of Regional Atmospheric Model Numerical Algorithms for CBEA-Based Clusters -- Adaptation of Double-Precision Matrix Multiplication to the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture -- Optimization of FDTD Computations in a Streaming Model Architecture -- Workshop on Memory Issues on Multi- and Manycore Platforms -- An Orthogonal Matching Pursuit Algorithm for Image Denoising on the Cell Broadband Engine -- A Blocking Strategy on Multicore Architectures for Dynamically Adaptive PDE Solvers -- Affinity-On-Next-Touch: An Extension to the Linux Kernel for NUMA Architectures -- Multi–CMP Module System Based on a Look-Ahead Configured Global Network -- Empirical Analysis of Parallelism Overheads on CMPs -- An Implementation of Parallel 3-D FFT with 2-D Decomposition on a Massively Parallel Cluster of Multi-core Processors -- Introducing a Performance Model for Bandwidth-Limited Loop Kernels.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, PPAM 2009, held in Wroclaw, Poland, in September 2009.
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