TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Keeping the wild : against the domestication of earth / edited by George Wuerthner, Eileen Crist, Tom Butler.

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: Washington, DC : Island Press/Center for Resource Economics : Imprint: Island Press, 2014Descripción: xvi, 272 páginasTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9781610915595
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • QH75-77
Recursos en línea:
Introduction: Lives Not Our Own -- 1. Rise of the Neo-greens -- 2. The Conceptual Assassination of Wilderness -- 3. Ptolemaic Environmentalism -- 4. With Friends Like These, Wilderness and Biodiversity Do Not Need Enemies -- 5. What’s So New about the “New Conservation”? -- 6. Conservation in No-Man’s-Land -- 7. The “New Conservation” -- 8. The Fable of Managed Earth -- 9. Conservation in the Anthropocene -- 10. The Myth of the Humanized Pre-Columbian Landscape -- 11. The Future of Conservation: An Australian Perspective -- 12. Expanding Parks, Reducing Human Numbers, and Preserving All the Wild Nature We Can: A Superior Alternative to Embracing the Anthropocene Era -- 13. Green Postmodernism and the Attempted Highjacking of Conservation -- 14. Why the Working Landscape Isn’t Working -- 15. Valuing Naturalness in the “Anthropocene”: Now More than Ever -- 16. Wild World -- 17. Living Beauty -- 18. Wilderness: What and Why? -- 19. Resistance. 20. An Open Letter to Major John Wesley Powell -- Epilogue: The Road to Cape Perpetua -- Acknowledgments -- Contributors -- Notes -- Index.
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Springer eBooks

Introduction: Lives Not Our Own -- 1. Rise of the Neo-greens -- 2. The Conceptual Assassination of Wilderness -- 3. Ptolemaic Environmentalism -- 4. With Friends Like These, Wilderness and Biodiversity Do Not Need Enemies -- 5. What’s So New about the “New Conservation”? -- 6. Conservation in No-Man’s-Land -- 7. The “New Conservation” -- 8. The Fable of Managed Earth -- 9. Conservation in the Anthropocene -- 10. The Myth of the Humanized Pre-Columbian Landscape -- 11. The Future of Conservation: An Australian Perspective -- 12. Expanding Parks, Reducing Human Numbers, and Preserving All the Wild Nature We Can: A Superior Alternative to Embracing the Anthropocene Era -- 13. Green Postmodernism and the Attempted Highjacking of Conservation -- 14. Why the Working Landscape Isn’t Working -- 15. Valuing Naturalness in the “Anthropocene”: Now More than Ever -- 16. Wild World -- 17. Living Beauty -- 18. Wilderness: What and Why? -- 19. Resistance. 20. An Open Letter to Major John Wesley Powell -- Epilogue: The Road to Cape Perpetua -- Acknowledgments -- Contributors -- Notes -- Index.

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