Educational research: material culture and its representation / edited by Paul Smeyers, Marc Depaepe.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9783319030838
- LC8-6691
Springer eBooks
1. On the tangible material culture of child-rearing, education, and educational research -- Paul Smeyers & Marc Depaepe -- 2. Valorising the cultural heritage of the school desk through historical research; Marc Depaepe, Frank Simon & Pieter Verstraete -- 3. Mirrors of reality? Material culture and the significance of images for research into long-term educational processes; Jeroen J.H. Dekker -- 4. Visual, literary and numerical perspectives on education: materiality, presence and interpretation; Karin Priem -- 5. Education and the ‘new totalitarianism’: How standards for reporting on empirical studies of education limit the scope of academic research and communication; Sophie Ward -- 6. Materials that shape researchers; Naomi Hodgson -- 7. The Tractarian template in the representation of educational research: Can we ever depart from the picture of logical empiricism?; Paul Smeyers -- 8. The ethics of materiality: Some insights from non-representational theory for educational research; Lynn Fendler -- 9. Mud and hair: an essay on the conditions of educational research; Richard Smith -- 10. Material and aesthetic tensions within arts-based educational research: Drawing woodpaths; Maureen K. Michael & Ian Munday -- 11. Olympification versus aesthetization: The appeal of mathematics outside the classroom; Kathleen Coessens, Karen François & Jean Paul Van Bendegem -- 12. Signs of the times: Iconography of a new education; Paul Standish -- 13. The paradigmatic differences between name/date and footnote styles of citation; Nick Burbules -- 14. Conversation – in the construction and representation of research; David Bridges -- 15. About the Authors -- Author Index – Subject Index.
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