TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Amyloid and related disorders : surgical pathology and clinical correlations / edited by Maria M. Picken, Guillermo A. Herrera, Ahmet Dogan.

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Current Clinical PathologyEditor: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Humana Press, 2015Descripción: xix, 542 páginas : 391 ilustraciones, 345 ilustraciones en colorTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9783319192949
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • RB1-214
Recursos en línea:
Introduction/general -- Aspects of the history and nomenclature of amyloid and amyloidosis -- Amyloid diseases at the molecular level: general overview and focus on AL amyloidosis -- AA amyloidosis -- Non-Immunoglobulin and non-AA amyloidoses -- The hereditary amyloidoses -- Dialysis-associated amyloidosis -- Localized amyloidoses and amyloidoses associated with aging outside the central nervous system -- Central nervous system amyloid -- Non-amyloid protein deposits -- Differential diagnosis of amyloid in surgical pathology: organized deposits and other material in the differential diagnosis of amyloidosis -- Light /heavy chain deposition disease as a systemic disease -- Glomerulonephritis with non-organized monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits -- Pathologies of renal and systemic intracellular paraprotein storage: crystalopathies and beyond -- Diagnosis -- Diagnosis of amyloid using Congo red – polarized and fluorescence -- Thioflavin T stain for amyloid detection -- Fat tissue analysis in the management of patients with systemic amyloidosis -- Generic diagnosis of amyloid – recent developments and summary of current recommendations -- Amyloid typing on formalin-fixed paraffin sections by immunohistochemistry – experience from two large referral centers -- Options for amyloid typing in renal pathology – the advantages of frozen section immunofluorescence -- Amyloid typing by immuno-electron microscopy -- Classification of amyloidosis by mass spectrometry-based proteomics -- Summary and practical recommendation regarding amyloid typing using antibody-based and proteomic methods -- Ancillary studies of amyloidosis -- Laboratory support for diagnosis of amyloidosis -- Bone marrow biopsy and its utility in the diagnosis of AL amyloidosis and other plasma cell dyscrasias -- Molecular methods for the diagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis -- Radiologic support for diagnosis and monitoring of amyloidosis – established techniques and recent developments -- Organ involvement in amyloidoses -- Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary tract -- Cardiac amyloidosis -- Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal tract and Liver -- Peripheral nerve amyloidosis -- Amyloidoses of the Pulmonary and upper respiratory tract -- Amyloidoses involving the skin -- Clinical issues and therapy -- Clinico-pathologic issues in patients with amyloidosis -- Solid organ transplantation in amyloidosis and issues pertaining to domino liver transplantation -- Emerging therapies for amyloidosis -- Clinical trials -- Modern therapies in AA amyloidosis -- Medico legal issues of amyloidosis -- Amyloidosis from the patient’s perspective.
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Springer eBooks

Introduction/general -- Aspects of the history and nomenclature of amyloid and amyloidosis -- Amyloid diseases at the molecular level: general overview and focus on AL amyloidosis -- AA amyloidosis -- Non-Immunoglobulin and non-AA amyloidoses -- The hereditary amyloidoses -- Dialysis-associated amyloidosis -- Localized amyloidoses and amyloidoses associated with aging outside the central nervous system -- Central nervous system amyloid -- Non-amyloid protein deposits -- Differential diagnosis of amyloid in surgical pathology: organized deposits and other material in the differential diagnosis of amyloidosis -- Light /heavy chain deposition disease as a systemic disease -- Glomerulonephritis with non-organized monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits -- Pathologies of renal and systemic intracellular paraprotein storage: crystalopathies and beyond -- Diagnosis -- Diagnosis of amyloid using Congo red – polarized and fluorescence -- Thioflavin T stain for amyloid detection -- Fat tissue analysis in the management of patients with systemic amyloidosis -- Generic diagnosis of amyloid – recent developments and summary of current recommendations -- Amyloid typing on formalin-fixed paraffin sections by immunohistochemistry – experience from two large referral centers -- Options for amyloid typing in renal pathology – the advantages of frozen section immunofluorescence -- Amyloid typing by immuno-electron microscopy -- Classification of amyloidosis by mass spectrometry-based proteomics -- Summary and practical recommendation regarding amyloid typing using antibody-based and proteomic methods -- Ancillary studies of amyloidosis -- Laboratory support for diagnosis of amyloidosis -- Bone marrow biopsy and its utility in the diagnosis of AL amyloidosis and other plasma cell dyscrasias -- Molecular methods for the diagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis -- Radiologic support for diagnosis and monitoring of amyloidosis – established techniques and recent developments -- Organ involvement in amyloidoses -- Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary tract -- Cardiac amyloidosis -- Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal tract and Liver -- Peripheral nerve amyloidosis -- Amyloidoses of the Pulmonary and upper respiratory tract -- Amyloidoses involving the skin -- Clinical issues and therapy -- Clinico-pathologic issues in patients with amyloidosis -- Solid organ transplantation in amyloidosis and issues pertaining to domino liver transplantation -- Emerging therapies for amyloidosis -- Clinical trials -- Modern therapies in AA amyloidosis -- Medico legal issues of amyloidosis -- Amyloidosis from the patient’s perspective.

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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