The european higher education area : between critical reflections and future policies / edited by Adrian Curaj, Liviu Matei, Remus Pricopie, Jamil Salmi, Peter Scott.
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- texto
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- recurso en línea
- 9783319208770
- LB2300-2799.3
Springer eBooks
Contents of Part 1 Introduction. The Future of Higher Education and “the European Level”. Liviu Matei -- Part I: Internationalization of Higher Education -- 1. Internationalisation of Higher Education – What Can Research Add to the Policy Debate? [Overview Paper]. Hans de Wit, Ligia Deca, Fiona Hunter -- 2. Internationalization of Higher Education: Navigating Between Contrasting Trends. Sarah Guri-Rosenblit -- 3. Balanced Mobility Across the Board – a Sensible Objective? Irina Ferencz -- 4. Challenges of Student Mobility in a Cosmopolitan Europe. Janine Wulz, Florian Rainer -- 5. Redefining Internationalization at Home. Jos Beelen, Elspeth Jones -- 6. The Impact of Exposure to Diversity in the International University Environment and the Development of Intercultural Competence in Students. Jeanine Gregersen – Hermans -- 7. Internationalisation as a Lever for Change: the Case of Italy. Fiona Hunter -- 8. Becoming Bologna Capable: Strategic Cooperation and Capacity Building in International Offices in Kazakhstani HEIs. Jason Sparks, Adil Ashirbekov, Aisi Li, Lynne Parmenter, Zakir Jumakulov, Aida Sagintayeva -- 9. Internationalization Strategies and Policies in Second-tier Higher Education Institutions. Hans de Wit, Miri Yemini, Randall Martin -- Part II: Higher Education Financing and Governance -- 10. Background Note for the Section on Financing and Governance [Overview Paper]. Liviu Matei -- 11. Strategies for Efficient Funding of Universities in Europe. Enora Bennetot Pruvot, Anna-Lena Claeys-Kulik, Thomas Estermann -- 12. Financing Research Universities in Post-communist EHEA Countries. Ern? Keszei, Frigyes Hausz, Attila Fonyó, Béla Kardon -- 13. Policy Incentives and Research Productivity in the Romanian Higher Education. An Institutional Approach. Laz?r Vl?sceanu, Marian-Gabriel Hâncean -- 14. Patterns of Funding the Internationalisation of Higher Education. A Conceptual Framework for the Study of Internationalisation. Liviu Matei, Julia Iwinska, Daniela Cr?ciun -- 15. The Evolving Landscape of South-East Asian Higher Education and the Challenges of Governance. Sauwakon Ratanawijitrasin -- Part III: Excellence and Diversification of Higher Education Institutions’ Missions -- 16. Seeking Excellence, Practicing Rankings, and Aiming at Diversification of Higher Education Institutions’ Mission in the European Higher Education Area [Overview Paper]. Jan Sadlak -- 17. Excellence-driven Policies and Initiatives in the Context of Bologna Process: Rationale, Design, Implementation and Outcomes. Isak Froumin, Mikhail Lisyutkin -- 18. The Knowledge Society and Diversification of Higher Education: From the Social Contract to the Mission of Uiversities. Attila Pausits -- 19. Excellence and Diversification of Higher Education Institutions’ Missions. Marco Porzionato, Federica De Marco -- 20. “New” Rankings on the Scene: The U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems and U-Multirank. Gergely Kováts -- Part IV: Teaching, Learning and Student Engagement -- 21. Teaching and Learning: an Overview of the Thematic Session [Overview Paper]. Manja Klemen?i?, Paul Ashwin -- 22. Teaching and Learning: A Journey from the Margins to the Core in European Higher Education Policy. Cristina Sin -- 23. The Meanings of Student Engagement: Implications for Policies and Practices. Paul Ashwin, Debbie McVitty -- 24. How Do We Know How Students Experience Higher Education? On the Use of Student Surveys. Manja Klemen?i?, Igor Chirikov -- 25. Understanding the Quality of Learning in Digital Learning Environments: State of the Art and Research Needed. Bernadette Charlier, Laurent Cosnefroy, Annie Jézégou, Geneviève Lameul -- 26. Assessment of Learning Outcomes. Hamish Coates -- 27. Giving Voice to Non-traditional Students “Walking” the Narrative Mediation Path. An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Dan Florin St?nescu, Elena-M?d?lina Iorga, José González Monteagudo, Maria Francesca Freda -- Part V: Social Dimension and Equity of Higher Education -- 28. Equity and the Social Dimension: an Overview [Overview Paper]. Alex Usher -- 29. No Future for the Social Dimension? Florian Kaiser, Aengus Ó Maoláin, L?va Vikmane -- 30 -- A Comprehensive Approach to Investigating the Social Dimension in European Higher Education Systems – EUROSTUDENT and the PL4SD Country Reviews. Dominic Orr, Shweta Mishra -- 31. How did the Latest Increase in Fees in England Affect Student Enrolment and Inequality? Koen Geven -- 32. Struggling with Social Polarization. Student Financial Support in Romania in the Framework of the Bologna Process -- Daniela Alexe, Cezar Mihai Hâj, Bogdan Murgescu -- 33 Premises of Inclusive Access and Success of Roma People in the Romanian Higher Education.Diana-Maria Cismaru, Cristina Fi?, Delia Gologan. Contents of Part 2 Part VI Education, Research and Innovation -- 1. Bridging Education, Research and Innovation: the Pivotal Role of Doctoral Training [Overview Paper]. Marzia Foroni -- 2. European Doctoral Programs in Light of EHEA and ERA. Nicola Vittorio -- 3. Tuning Tools and Insights for Modern Competence-based Third-cycle Programs. Ann Katherine Isaacs -- 4. Enhancing the Quality of Research in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives on and Guiding Principles for Researcher Development. Linda Evans -- 5. The Quality of Doctoral Training and Employability of Doctorate Holders: the Views of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers. Filomena Parada, John Peacock -- 6. The Romanian PhD students at CERN: the Bologna Process and Beyond. Alexandru Nicolin, Florin Buzatu -- Part VII Quality Assurance -- 7. European Quality Assurance - a European Higher Education Area success story [Overview Paper]. Hanne Smidt -- 8. International Quality Reviews with an EQAR-registered Agency. Melinda Szabo -- 9. A Merry-Go-Round of Evaluations Moving from Administrative Burden to Reflection on Education and Research in Romania. Koen Geven, Adina Maricu? -- 10. Students as Stakeholders in the Policy Context of the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions. Frauke Logermann, Liudvika Leišyt? -- 11. Negotiating Liminality in Higher Education: Formal and Informal Dimensions of the Student Experience as Facilitators of Quality. Vanessa Rutherford, Ian Pickup -- Part VIII The Impacts of the Bologna Process on the EHEA and Beyond -- 12. The EHEA at the Cross-roads. The Bologna Process and the Future of Higher Education [Overview Paper]. Sjur Bergan -- 13. Current and Future Prospects for the Bologna Process in the Turkish Higher Education System. Arma?an Erdo?an -- 14. The Bologna Process Goes East? From “Third Countries” to Prioritizing Inter-regional Cooperation Between the ASEAN and EU. Que Anh Dang -- 15. Future Scenarios for the European Higher Education Area: Exploring the Possibilities of “Experimentalist Governance”. Robert Harmsen -- Part IX Evidence-based Policies in Higher Education: Data Analytics, Impact Assessment and Reporting -- 16. Evidence-based Policies in Higher Education: Data Analytics, Impact Assessment and Reporting [Overview Paper]. Jamil Salmi -- 17. Higher Education Research in Europe. Ulrich Teichler -- 18. A Comparative Study on Cost-sharing in Higher Education – Using the Case Study Approach to Contribute to Evidence-based Policy. Dominic Orr -- 19. Does Research Influence Educational Policy? The Perspective of Researchers and Policy-makers in Romania. Georgeta Ion, Romi?? Iucu -- 20. Changed Academic Relationship Between Professors and Students at Uni Potsdam: Impact of Bologna 2011-2012. Christen Hairston -- About the Editors -- About the Authors.
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