The coronas-f space mission : key results for solar terrestrial physics / edited by Vladimir Kuznetsov.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9783642392689
- QB495-500.269
Springer eBooks
CORONAS–F Project: The study of solar activity and its effects on the Earth -- Brightness fluctuations and global oscillations of the Sun (DIFOS experiment) -- Study of Active Phenomena in the Solar Corona in the 8–350 Å Region by Imaging Spectroscopy Methods (SPIRIT Experiment) -- Experiment with the SPR-N instrument onboard the CORONAS-F satellite: polarization, temporal and spectral characteristics of the hard X-ray of the solar flares -- Observations of Doppler shifts of X-ray lines in solar flares spectra based on DIOGENESS spectrometer data -- Investigations of physical processes in solar flares plasma on the based on RESIK spectrometer observations -- The study of the cosmic gamma-emission nonstationary fluxes characteristics by the AVS-F apparatus data -- Variability of Extreme Ultraviolet Fluxes at Various Timescales as Measured on Board the CORONAS–F Space Mission (SUFR–SP–K and WUSS–L Experiments) -- Scientific Set of Instruments «Solar Cosmic Rays» -- Protons Acceleration in Solar Flares: the Results of the Analysis of Gamma-Emission and Neutrons Recorded by the SONG Instrument onboard the CORONAS-F satellite -- Dynamics of the relativistic electrons flux of the Earth outer radiation belt based on the MKL instrument -- Dynamics of the Earth radiation belts during the strong magnetic storms -- Solar protons in the Earth’s magnetosphere according to riometric and satellite data during the magnetic storms of October 2003 -- Spectrometer IRIS: Investigation of the Time Structure and Energy Spectra of X-Ray Emission From Solar Flares -- Study of Solar Flares and Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Helicon Experiment -- RPS–1 Experiment -- The impact of solar activity on the Earth upper atmosphere as inferred from the CORONAS–F scientific experiments -- On–board and ground–based complexes for operating the science payload of the CORONAS–F space mission -- CORONAS–F: Infrastructure and organization of the information exchange -- Organization of a unified data archive and accessories for processing solar images.
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