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International handbook of research in professional and practice-based learning / edited by Stephen Billett, Christian Harteis, Hans Gruber.

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Springer International Handbooks of EducationEditor: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Springer, 2014Descripción: xxi, 1383 páginas : 100 ilustracionesTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9789401789028
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • LC1051-1072
Recursos en línea:
(A) Acknowledgments -- (B) Introduction -- Section 1. Professions and the workplace -- (C) Section Introduction -- (1) David Carr, Professionalism, profession and professional conduct: Towards a basic logical and ethical geography -- (2) Julia Evetts, The concept of professionalism: Professional work, professional practice and learning -- (3) Gerhard Minnameier, Moral aspects of professions and professional practice -- (4) Lina Markauskaite & Peter Goodyear, Professional work and knowledge -- (5) Martin Mulder, Conceptions of professional competence -- (6) Silvia Gherardi & Manuela Perrotta, Becoming a practitioner: Professional learning as a social practice -- (7) Jim Hordern, Productive systems of professional formation -- Section 2. Research paradigms of work and learning -- (D) Section Introduction -- (8) Erno Lehtinen, Kai Hakkarainen & Tuire Palonen, Understanding learning for the professions: How theories of learning explain coping with rapid change -- (9) Laurent Filliettaz, Understanding learning for work: Contributions from discourse and interaction analysis -- (10) Paul Gibbs, Research paradigms of practice, work and learning -- (11) Gloria Dall'Alba & Jörgen Sandberg, A phenomenological perspective on researching work and learning -- (12) Mark Greenlee, The neuronal base of perceptual learning and skill acquisition -- (13) Eva Kyndt & Patrick Onghena, Hierarchical Linear Models for research on professional learning: Relevance and implications -- (14) Catherine Hasse, The anthropological paradigm of practice?based learning -- Section 3. Educational systems (learning for professions) -- (E) Section Introduction -- (15) Peter Sloane, Professional education between school and practice settings: The German dual system as an example -- (16) Bärbel Fürstenau, Matthias Pilz, & Philipp Gonon, The dual system of vocational education and training in Germany ? what can be learnt about education for (other) professions -- (17) Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren, Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke, Berit Karseth, & Sofia Nyström, From university to professional practice: Students as journeymen between cultures of education and work -- (18) Stephen Billett & Sarojni Choy, Integrating professional learning experiences across university and practice settings -- (19) Päivi Tynjälä & Jennifer M. Newton, Transitions to working life: securing professional competence -- (20) Elizabeth Katherine Molloy, Louise Greenstock, Patrick Fiddes, Catriona Fraser, & Peter Brooks, Interprofessional education in the health workplace -- (21) Tim Dornan & Pim W. Teunissen, Medical education -- (22) Ming Fai Pang, A phenomenographic way of seeing and developing professional learning -- (23) Monika Nerland & Karen Jensen, Changing cultures of knowledge and professional learning -- Section 4. Professional learning and education (learning in professions) -- (F) Section Introduction -- (24) Anneli Eteläpelto, Katja Vähäsantanen, Päivi Hökkä, & Susanna Paloniemi, Identity and agency in professional learning -- (25) Jan Breckwoldt, Hans Gruber, & Andreas Wittmann, Simulation learning -- (26) Christian Harteis & Johannes Bauer, Learning from errors at work -- (27) Stephen Billett & Raymond Smith, Learning in the circumstances of professional practice -- (28) Geoffrey Gowlland, Apprenticeship as a model for learning in and through professional practice -- (29) Britta Herbig & Andreas Müller, Implicit knowledge and work performance -- (30) Eugene Sadler?Smith, Intuition in professional and practice?based learning -- (31) Bente Elkjaer & Ulrik Brandi, An organisational perspective on professionals' learning -- (32) Morten Sommer, Professional learning in the ambulance service -- (33) Stephen Billett, Mimetic learning at work: Learning through and across professional working lives -- Section 5. Implementing and supporting professional learning -- (G) Section Introduction -- (34) Anton Havnes & Jens?Christian Smeby, Professional development and the professions -- (35) P. Robert?Jan Simons & Manon C. P. Ruijters, The real professional is a learning professional -- (36) Filip Dochy, David Gijbels, Elisabeth Raes, & Eva Kyndt, Team learning in education and professional organisations -- (37) Victoria Marsick, Andrew K. Shiotani, & Martha A. Gephart, Teams, communities of practice, and knowledge networks as locations for learning professional practice -- (38) Rob F. Poell & Ferd J. van der Krogt, The role of Human Resource Development in organizational change: Professional development strategies of employees, managers and HRD practicioners -- (39) Lillian Turner de Tormes Eby, B. Lindsay Brown, & Kerrin George, Mentoring as a strategy for facilitating learning: Protégé and mentor perspectives -- (40) James Avis & Kevin Orr, The new professionalism: An exploration of vocational education and training teachers -- (41) Tarja Irene Tikkanen & Stephen Billett, Older professionals, learning and practice -- (42) Per?Erik Elleström & Per Nilsen, Promoting practice?based innovation through learning at work -- (43) Allison Littlejohn & Anoush Margaryan, Technology enhanced professional learning -- Section 6. Evaluating and assessing professional learning -- (H) Section Introduction -- (44) Thomas R. Guskey, Evaluating professional learning -- (45) Dineke E. H. Tigelaar & Cees P. M. van der Vleuten, Assessment of professional competence.-  (46) Tara J. Fenwick, Assessment of professional learning in practice -- (47) Patrick Griffin, Esther Care, Judith Crigan, Pamela Robertson, Zhonghua Zhang, & Alejandra Arratia?Martinez, The influence of evidence?based decisions by collaborative teacher teams on student achievement -- (48) Frank Achtenhagen & Esther Winter, Large-scale assessment of vocational education and training.
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(A) Acknowledgments -- (B) Introduction -- Section 1. Professions and the workplace -- (C) Section Introduction -- (1) David Carr, Professionalism, profession and professional conduct: Towards a basic logical and ethical geography -- (2) Julia Evetts, The concept of professionalism: Professional work, professional practice and learning -- (3) Gerhard Minnameier, Moral aspects of professions and professional practice -- (4) Lina Markauskaite & Peter Goodyear, Professional work and knowledge -- (5) Martin Mulder, Conceptions of professional competence -- (6) Silvia Gherardi & Manuela Perrotta, Becoming a practitioner: Professional learning as a social practice -- (7) Jim Hordern, Productive systems of professional formation -- Section 2. Research paradigms of work and learning -- (D) Section Introduction -- (8) Erno Lehtinen, Kai Hakkarainen & Tuire Palonen, Understanding learning for the professions: How theories of learning explain coping with rapid change -- (9) Laurent Filliettaz, Understanding learning for work: Contributions from discourse and interaction analysis -- (10) Paul Gibbs, Research paradigms of practice, work and learning -- (11) Gloria Dall'Alba & Jörgen Sandberg, A phenomenological perspective on researching work and learning -- (12) Mark Greenlee, The neuronal base of perceptual learning and skill acquisition -- (13) Eva Kyndt & Patrick Onghena, Hierarchical Linear Models for research on professional learning: Relevance and implications -- (14) Catherine Hasse, The anthropological paradigm of practice?based learning -- Section 3. Educational systems (learning for professions) -- (E) Section Introduction -- (15) Peter Sloane, Professional education between school and practice settings: The German dual system as an example -- (16) Bärbel Fürstenau, Matthias Pilz, & Philipp Gonon, The dual system of vocational education and training in Germany ? what can be learnt about education for (other) professions -- (17) Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren, Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke, Berit Karseth, & Sofia Nyström, From university to professional practice: Students as journeymen between cultures of education and work -- (18) Stephen Billett & Sarojni Choy, Integrating professional learning experiences across university and practice settings -- (19) Päivi Tynjälä & Jennifer M. Newton, Transitions to working life: securing professional competence -- (20) Elizabeth Katherine Molloy, Louise Greenstock, Patrick Fiddes, Catriona Fraser, & Peter Brooks, Interprofessional education in the health workplace -- (21) Tim Dornan & Pim W. Teunissen, Medical education -- (22) Ming Fai Pang, A phenomenographic way of seeing and developing professional learning -- (23) Monika Nerland & Karen Jensen, Changing cultures of knowledge and professional learning -- Section 4. Professional learning and education (learning in professions) -- (F) Section Introduction -- (24) Anneli Eteläpelto, Katja Vähäsantanen, Päivi Hökkä, & Susanna Paloniemi, Identity and agency in professional learning -- (25) Jan Breckwoldt, Hans Gruber, & Andreas Wittmann, Simulation learning -- (26) Christian Harteis & Johannes Bauer, Learning from errors at work -- (27) Stephen Billett & Raymond Smith, Learning in the circumstances of professional practice -- (28) Geoffrey Gowlland, Apprenticeship as a model for learning in and through professional practice -- (29) Britta Herbig & Andreas Müller, Implicit knowledge and work performance -- (30) Eugene Sadler?Smith, Intuition in professional and practice?based learning -- (31) Bente Elkjaer & Ulrik Brandi, An organisational perspective on professionals' learning -- (32) Morten Sommer, Professional learning in the ambulance service -- (33) Stephen Billett, Mimetic learning at work: Learning through and across professional working lives -- Section 5. Implementing and supporting professional learning -- (G) Section Introduction -- (34) Anton Havnes & Jens?Christian Smeby, Professional development and the professions -- (35) P. Robert?Jan Simons & Manon C. P. Ruijters, The real professional is a learning professional -- (36) Filip Dochy, David Gijbels, Elisabeth Raes, & Eva Kyndt, Team learning in education and professional organisations -- (37) Victoria Marsick, Andrew K. Shiotani, & Martha A. Gephart, Teams, communities of practice, and knowledge networks as locations for learning professional practice -- (38) Rob F. Poell & Ferd J. van der Krogt, The role of Human Resource Development in organizational change: Professional development strategies of employees, managers and HRD practicioners -- (39) Lillian Turner de Tormes Eby, B. Lindsay Brown, & Kerrin George, Mentoring as a strategy for facilitating learning: Protégé and mentor perspectives -- (40) James Avis & Kevin Orr, The new professionalism: An exploration of vocational education and training teachers -- (41) Tarja Irene Tikkanen & Stephen Billett, Older professionals, learning and practice -- (42) Per?Erik Elleström & Per Nilsen, Promoting practice?based innovation through learning at work -- (43) Allison Littlejohn & Anoush Margaryan, Technology enhanced professional learning -- Section 6. Evaluating and assessing professional learning -- (H) Section Introduction -- (44) Thomas R. Guskey, Evaluating professional learning -- (45) Dineke E. H. Tigelaar & Cees P. M. van der Vleuten, Assessment of professional competence.-  (46) Tara J. Fenwick, Assessment of professional learning in practice -- (47) Patrick Griffin, Esther Care, Judith Crigan, Pamela Robertson, Zhonghua Zhang, & Alejandra Arratia?Martinez, The influence of evidence?based decisions by collaborative teacher teams on student achievement -- (48) Frank Achtenhagen & Esther Winter, Large-scale assessment of vocational education and training.

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