Breath of proximity: intersubjectivity, ethics and peace / Lenart Škof.
Tipo de material:
- texto
- computadora
- recurso en línea
- 9789401797382
- BL1-2790
Springer eBooks
1 Introduction -- Part I: On Mesocosmic Rituals: Three Accelerations -- 2 Towards Mesocosmic Rituals in the Vedas -- 3 Schelling, or From the Abyss of Ethics -- 4 A New Way of Gesture (G. H. Mead) -- PART II: Two Intermediate Variations on the Elements of Water and Air -- 5 Feuerbach’s “Pneumatische Wasserheilkunde” -- 6 Heidegger’s Hölderlinian Breath -- Part III: Communities of Breathing, Communities of Peace -- 7 Ethics of Breath: Derrida, Lévinas and Irigaray -- 8 Divine Violence? Radical Ethics and Politics of Nonviolence -- 9 Rorty and Irigaray: On a Culture of Love and Peace -- PART IV: the Return of the Breath -- 10 Breath of Silence -- 11 Ethics of Breath and the Atmosphere of Politics -- 12 Conclusion -- Index nominum.
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