Racowsky, Catherine.

Biennial Review of Infertility : Volume 2, 2011 / edited by Catherine Racowsky, Peter N. Schlegel, Bart C. Fauser, Douglas T. Carrell. - xiv, 296 páginas 37 ilustraciones, 25 ilustraciones en color. recurso en línea.

Springer eBooks

1. Autoimmunity and Female Infertility: Fact versus Fiction -- 2. Minimal Stimulation IVF -- 3. Current Understanding of Anti-Müllerian Hormone -- 4. The Role of Obesity in Reproduction -- 5. Endometrial Receptivity in Natural and Controlled Ovarian Stimulated Cycles -- 6. Current Understanding of Mullerian Inhibiting Substance -- 7. Evidence-Based Use of Progesterone During IVF -- 8. Monozygotic Twinning and Perinatal Outcomes -- 9. Multiple Pregnancy Vanishing Twin Syndrome -- 10. The Effect of Cancer Therapies on Sperm: Current Guidelines -- 11. Environmental Insults on Spermatogenesis -- 12. Sperm DNA Damage:  Causes and Guidelines for Current Clinical Practice -- 13. The Emerging Role of the Sperm Epigenome and its Potential Role in Development -- 14. ART and Epigenetic Disorders: Should We Be Concerned? -- 15. Novel Approaches of Sperm Selection for ART:  The Role of Objective Biochemical Markers of Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Integrity and Sperm Function -- 16. The Role of the Oocyte in Remodeling of Male Chromatin and DNA Repair: Are Events During the Zygotic Cell Cycle of Relevance to ART? -- 17. Proteomic/Metabolomic Analysis of Embryos – Current Status for Use in ART -- 18. Ultrasound-Guided Embryo Transfer -- 19. IMSI as a Valuable Tool for Sperm Selection During ART -- 20. Thoughts on IMSI.

In this second volume, the Biennial Review of Infertility brings together the most up-to-date research and clinical information on male and female infertility, emerging assisted reproductive techniques, and controversial issues in reproductive medicine.  This volume includes discussion of cutting-edge topics such as epigenetics, proteomics, and the role of the environment in fertility, as well as insightful evidence-based discussion of common clinical procedures.  It is the cumulative effort of a preeminent panel of experts presenting each chapter in a clear and well-balanced manner.  Created to provide an ongoing appraisal of current knowledge, the Biennial Review of Infertility stimulates communication amongst all those working to help couples resolve their infertility.


10.1007/9781441984562 doi
