Anwaruddin, Saif.

Cardiovascular Hemodynamics : An Introductory Guide / edited by Saif Anwaruddin, Joseph M. Martin, John C. Stephens, Arman T. Askari. - x, 340 páginas 93 ilustraciones, 62 ilustraciones en color. recurso en línea. - Contemporary Cardiology .

Springer eBooks

Preload -- Afterload -- Contractility -- Cardiac Output -- Key clinical findings -- Echocardiography -- CT/MRI -- Cardiac Catheterization – RHC/LHC -- Tamponade -- Constriction / Restriction.-Valvular Heart Disease -- Pulmonary Hypertension -- Acute Decompensated Heart Failure -- Intracardiac Shunts -- Shock -- Coronary Hemodynamics.

A basic understanding of cardiovascular physiology is essential for optimal patient care.  This practical book provides a concise tutorial of all the essential aspects of cardiovascular hemodynamics and the techniques used to assess cardiovascular performance.  A high-yield reference, this book is replete with figures, tracings, tables, and clinical pearls that reinforce the basic tenets of hemodynamics.  From identifying key findings of the patient history and physical exam to correlating hemodynamic tracings with acute clinical presentations, this book arms the reader with the tools necessary to handle any hemodynamic-related situation.


10.1007/9781607611950 doi
