Perez, Carlos A.

Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy : Practical Clinical Applications / With contributions by numerous experts by Carlos A. Perez, Srinivasan Vijayakumar ; edited by Seymour H. Levitt, James A. Purdy. - 4th Revised Edition. - xiii, 861 páginas 507 ilustraciones in 799 se páginas ilustraciones, 175 en color, 146 tabs. recurso en línea. - Medical Radiology, Radiation Oncology, 0942-5373 .

Springer eBooks

Basic Concepts in Treatment Planning -- Practical Time-Dose Evaluations, or How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Linear Quadratics -- Second Malignancies Following Radiotherapy -- Clinical Principles and Applications of Chemoirradiation -- Imaging in Radiation Therapy -- Physics of Treatment Planning in Radiation Oncology -- The Simulation Process in the Determination and Definition of the Treatment Volume and Treatment Planning -- Clinical Applications of High-Energy Electrons -- Treatment Aids for External Beam Radiotherapy -- Three-Dimensional Treatment Planning and Conformal Therapy -- Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy -- Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy -- Physics and Clinical Aspects of Brachytherapy -- Radiobiology of Low- and High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy -- Clinical Applications of Low Dose Rate and Medium Dose Rate Brachytherapy -- Clinical Applications of High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy -- Quality Assurance in Radiation Oncology -- Practical Clinical Applications -- Central Nervous System Tumors -- Head and Neck Cancer -- Breast Cancer -- Carcinoma of the Esophagus -- Carcinoma of the Lung -- Cancers of the Colon, Rectum, and Anus -- Bladder Cancer — Technical Basis of Radiation Therapy -- Radiation Therapy for Cervical Cancer -- Technical Aspects of Radiation Therapy in Endometrial Carcinoma -- Vulva -- Carcinoma of the Vagina -- Prostate -- Testicular Cancer -- Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Adults -- Total Body Irradiation Conditioning Regimens in Stem Cell Transplantation -- Radiotherapy for Hodgkin’s Disease -- Techniques of Intravascular Brachytherapy.

This book, now in its fourth edition, is unique in detailing in depth the technological basis of radiation therapy. Compared with the previous edition, all chapters have been rewritten and updated. In addition, new chapters have been included on various topics, including the use of imaging in treatment planning, second malignant neoplasms due to irradiation, and quality assurance in radiation oncology. The book is divided into two sections. The first covers basic concepts in treatment planning, including essential physics, and explains the various approaches to radiation therapy, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy, tomotherapy, and high and low dose rate brachytherapy. The second part documents the practical clinical applications of these concepts in the treatment of different cancers. All of the chapters have been written by leaders in the field. This book will serve to instruct and acquaint teachers, students and practitioners in the various fields of oncology with the basic technological factors and approaches in radiation therapy.


10.1007/3540356657 doi
