Fibre production in South American camelids and other fibre animals /
edited by Ma Ángeles Pérez-Cabal, Juan Pablo Gutiérrez, Isabel Cervantes, Ma Jesús Alcalde.
- 248 páginas 8 ilustraciones en color. recurso en línea.
Springer eBooks
Preface -- Setting the scene: animal fibre -- Genetic variability of fleece shedding in the Martinik hair, Romane sheep breeds and their crossbreds -- Suri/Huacaya phenotype inheritance in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) -- Producing alpaca fibre for the textile industry -- Meat and fibre production -- External effects for the quantity and quality of fibre in Guanacos -- Genetic and non-genetic factors influencing fibre quality of Arkharmerino x Ghezel and Arkharmerino x Moghani crossbreeds of sheep in third generation -- Differences in fibre diameter profile between shearing periods in white Huacaya Alpacas (Vicugna pacos) -- Fibre production and fibre characteristics of alpacas farmed in United States -- Diversity and comparison of wool parameters in 31 different American and European ovine breeds -- Testing objective metrics for the differentiation of coat colours in a Spanish alpaca population -- Breeding and genetics -- Analysis of the mitochondrial diversity of alpacas in eight farming areas of the south of Peru -- Asip and MC1R cDNA polymorphism in alpaca -- Genetic diversity in Malabari goats -- Genetic parameters for growth of fibre diameter in alpacas -- Comparison of different breeding strategies to improve alpaca fibre production in a low-input production system -- Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic diversity of Vicugna vicugna mensalis in Bolivia -- Association of myostatin gene (MSTN) polymorphism with economic traits in rabbits -- Growth hormone gene in Ilama (Lama glama): characterization and SNPs identification -- Alpaca sperm chromatin evaluation using Toluidine Blue -- Derivation of economic values for fibre diameter fleece weight in alpacas -- A microsatellite study on the genetic distance between Suri and Huacaya phenotypes in Peruvian alpaca (Vicugna pacos) -- Genetic differentiation of six Peruvian alpaca populations -- Nutrition and reproduction -- Lactation in Ilamas (Lama glama): estimating milk intake and output using stable isotope techniques -- Feed preferences and recipe alternatives for alpacas in a Hungarian zoo -- Management -- A cross-border wool project supports the conservation of the Alpines Steinschaf -- Investing in the development of South American campesino camelid economies: the experience of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) -- Building and scaling up knowledge on camelids -- Preliminary study of body measurements on alpacas in northern Italy -- Health -- Orthopaedic problems in llamas and alpacas: clinical and radiological aspects -- Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from neonatal Peruvian alpacas (Vicugna pacos) with diarrhea -- Abstracts -- Changes in suckling behaviour during lactation in llamas (Lama glama) -- Anatomical imaging of blood vessels for venipuncture in South American camelids -- Alpaca breeding and production prospects in the United States -- Round tables -- Common management denominators between South American camelids and other fibre animals -- South American camelids health -- Keyword Index.
This book, 'Fibre production in South American camelids and other fibre animals', covers the latest advances in the main fields of animals producing fibre. It deals with a wide scope of fibre animals and a great variety of subjects and is supported by the Animal Fibre Working Group belonging to the European Association of Animal Production. The book can be considered a valuable attempt to prepare the fibre production sector for rapid changes and innovations arising within a globalised world. The focus lies on fibre animals such as alpacas, llamas, vicunas and guanacos, but recent research on sheep, goats and rabbits is also included. The most important themes addressed are meat and fibre production, breeding and genetics, nutrition, reproduction, management, and health. Finally, the book closes with specialised discussions on fibre production related topics, which for example provide a more in-depth look at common management denominators between South American camelids and other fibre animals. The book addresses scientists, professionals, technicians, farmers, specialised governmental policy makers and students all around the world who are involved in fibre animal production (such as sheep, camelids, goats, or rabbits). This book will present them with the most current findings in this area.