Van den Bergh, Joachim,

Transforming through processes : leading voices on bpm, people and technology / Joachim Van den Bergh, Sara Thijs, Stijn Viaene. - xi, 55 páginas : - SpringerBriefs in Business Process Management, 2197-9618 .

Springer eBooks

Using new digital technologies to innovate business processes and create customer value - An interview with Prof Stijn Viaene -- A government institution’s BPM tale - An interview with Bert Schelfaut of VDAB -- Business process improvement: questioning the status quo - An interview with Michael zur Muehlen -- Process excellence for sustainable business growth - An interview with Joost Claerbout of Barco -- Value-oriented process modelling - An interview with Jan vom Brocke -- Integrating business intelligence into your business processes - An interview with Öykü I?ik -- Adopting the outside-in view: customer-oriented BPM - An interview with Henri Buenen and Nele Aendekerk (EDF-Luminus) -- BPM meets social software - An interview with Hajo Reijers -- BPM in a developing BRIC country – spotlight on Brazil - An interview with Professors Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira and Marcelo Bronzo Ladeira -- A cultural fit for BPM - An interview with Alec Sharp -- Focusing on BPM’s human factor - An interview with Els Van Keymeulen of Schoenen Torfs -- Mitigate, reduce or prevent: managing risks in business processes - An interview with Kevin McCormack -- The next wave in process thinking - An interview with Hendrik Vanmaele -- Ambidextrous BPM – making BPM exciting again - An interview with Prof Michael Rosemann.

