International handbook of interpretation in educational research /
edited by Paul Smeyers, David Bridges, Nicholas C. Burbules, Morwenna Griffiths.
- xxiv, 1662 páginas : 81 ilustraciones, 35 ilustraciones en color.
- Springer International Handbooks of Education, 2197-1951 .
Springer eBooks
Preface: How the Handbook Came into Being; Paul Smeyers -- General Introduction; Morwenna Griffiths, David Bridges, Nicholas C. Burbules and Paul Smeyers -- The Theoretical Landscape -- GENRE 1: Narrative Approaches -- GENRE 2: Analysis of Language and Significations -- GENRE 3: Ethnography of Education: Sociological and anthropological approaches -- GENRE 4: Ethnography in Educational Research: Applying ethnographic methods in educational inquiry -- GENRE 5: Historical Approaches -- GENRE 6: Philosophical Approaches -- GENRE 7: Quantitative Approaches -- GENRE 8: Cultural-transgressive Approaches -- Afterword; David Bridges, Nicholas C. Burbules, Morwenna Griffiths and Paul Smeyers.