TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Cardiac Rehabilitation / edited by William E. Kraus, Steven J. Keteyian.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Contemporary CardiologyEditor: Totowa, NJ : Humana Press, 2007Descripción: xvI, 298 páginas 36 ilustraciones 1 en color. recurso en líneaTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9781597454520
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • RC681-688.2
Recursos en línea:
Principles for Prescribing Exercise in Cardiovascular Disease -- Nutrition in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- References -- Assessment and Management of Depression in Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients -- Managing Stress to Manage Heart Disease -- Use of Readiness for Change in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs -- Smoking Cessation: The Prescription that Every Smoker Should be Given -- Utility of Graded Exercise Testing in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Setting -- Graded Exercise Testing -- The Use of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Primer and Case Analysis -- Role of the 6-Minute Walk Test in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Cardiac Rehabilitation: Statins and the Rationale for Implementation of Lipid-Lowering Therapy -- Treating to Goal: Diabetes and Hypertension -- Exercise in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease -- Exercise as a Therapeutic Intervention for Hypertension -- Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Rehabilitation in Clinical Practice -- Pulmonary Issues Related to Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Exercise Rehabilitation for Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease -- Dealing with Arthritis as a Comorbidity in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs -- Cardiac Rehabilitation for Elderly Cardiac Patients -- Expanding Your Model: Optimizing Referrals and Introducing Disease Management -- The Role of the Physician-Medical Director in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Assessment and Treatment of Risk in the Clinic Setting -- Cardiac Rehabilitation Staffing -- Reimbursement Issues.
Resumen: Cardiac rehabilitation can be extremely complex art. In Cardiac Rehabilitation, expert authors provide state-of-the-art information that serves as a manual to the multidisciplinary nature of cardiac rehabilitation in the current era, the current state of cardiac rehabilitation, and the issues facing current CR programs. Covering the major components of a CR program, including medical therapy, exercise, nutrition, and behavioral therapy, from referral to testing to individualizing the program for the participants, the volume is a thorough, vital guide to this important field. Comprehensive and substantial, Cardiac Rehabilitiation will aid cardiologists and internal specialists greatly in saving the lives of heart patients across the globe.
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Springer eBooks

Principles for Prescribing Exercise in Cardiovascular Disease -- Nutrition in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- References -- Assessment and Management of Depression in Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients -- Managing Stress to Manage Heart Disease -- Use of Readiness for Change in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs -- Smoking Cessation: The Prescription that Every Smoker Should be Given -- Utility of Graded Exercise Testing in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Setting -- Graded Exercise Testing -- The Use of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Cardiac Rehabilitation: A Primer and Case Analysis -- Role of the 6-Minute Walk Test in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Cardiac Rehabilitation: Statins and the Rationale for Implementation of Lipid-Lowering Therapy -- Treating to Goal: Diabetes and Hypertension -- Exercise in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease -- Exercise as a Therapeutic Intervention for Hypertension -- Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiac Rehabilitation in Clinical Practice -- Pulmonary Issues Related to Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Exercise Rehabilitation for Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease -- Dealing with Arthritis as a Comorbidity in Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs -- Cardiac Rehabilitation for Elderly Cardiac Patients -- Expanding Your Model: Optimizing Referrals and Introducing Disease Management -- The Role of the Physician-Medical Director in Cardiac Rehabilitation -- Assessment and Treatment of Risk in the Clinic Setting -- Cardiac Rehabilitation Staffing -- Reimbursement Issues.

Cardiac rehabilitation can be extremely complex art. In Cardiac Rehabilitation, expert authors provide state-of-the-art information that serves as a manual to the multidisciplinary nature of cardiac rehabilitation in the current era, the current state of cardiac rehabilitation, and the issues facing current CR programs. Covering the major components of a CR program, including medical therapy, exercise, nutrition, and behavioral therapy, from referral to testing to individualizing the program for the participants, the volume is a thorough, vital guide to this important field. Comprehensive and substantial, Cardiac Rehabilitiation will aid cardiologists and internal specialists greatly in saving the lives of heart patients across the globe.

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