TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Infectious Diseases and Arthropods / edited by Jerome Goddard.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Infectious DiseaseEditor: Totowa, NJ : Humana Press, 2008Descripción: recurso en líneaTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9781603274005
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • RC109-216
Recursos en línea:
I Arthropods and Human Health -- Arthropods and Health -- Classification of Arthropods -- Medical Importance of Arthropods -- Dynamics of Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Mechanical vs Biological Transmission of Pathogens -- Vector Competence -- II Major Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Mosquito-Borne Diseases -- Basic Mosquito Biology -- Malaria -- Mosquito-Transmitted Encephalitis Viruses -- Dengue Fever -- Yellow Fever (YF) -- Lymphatic Filariasis -- Other Human-Infesting Filarial Worms -- Tick-Borne Diseases -- Basic Tick Biology -- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) -- Other Spotted Fever Rickettsioses -- Ehrlichiosis -- Lyme Disease -- Tularemia -- Human Babesiosis -- Viruses Transmitted by Ticks -- Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF) -- Tick Paralysis -- Flea-Borne Diseases -- Basic Flea Biology -- Plague -- Murine Typhus -- Cat-Scratch Disease (CSD) -- Sand Fly-Transmitted Diseases -- Basic Sand Fly Biology -- Leishmaniasis -- Other Sand Fly-Transmitted Diseases -- Miscellaneous Vector-Borne Diseases -- Chagas’ Disease -- African Sleeping Sickness -- Onchocerciasis -- Scrub Typhus (ST) -- Louse-Borne Infections -- Bed Bugs – Do They Transmit Disease Agents?- Introduction and Bed Bug Biology -- Bed Bugs and Disease Transmission -- Why Mosquitoes and Other Arthropods Cannot Transmit HIV -- Brown Recluse Bites: Facts and Fables -- Introduction and Biology -- Facts and Fables about Brown Recluse Bites -- Treatment of Bites -- Fire Ant Attacks on Humans -- The Problem -- Effects of the Venom -- Infectious Complications -- Protecting Patients in Health Care Facilities from Ant Attacks -- Medical Conditions Caused by Arthropod Stings or Bites -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Pathogenesis -- Clues to Recognizing Insect Bites or Stings -- Summary and Conclusions -- Myiasis -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Contributing Factors -- Myiasis in Clinical Practice -- Prevention, Treatment, and Control -- Imaginary Insect or Mite Infestations -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Clinical Aspects and ContributingFactors -- Differential Diagnosis -- Treatment Strategies -- Appendix A: Signs and Symptoms of Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Appendix B: Diagnostic Tests Used in Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Agglutination -- Complement Fixation -- Direct Fluorescent Antibody -- Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) -- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) -- Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) -- Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA) -- Leishmanin (Montenegro Test) -- Mazzotti -- Neutralization -- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) -- Index.
Resumen: In this second edition of Infectious Diseases and Arthropods, Jerome Goddard summarizes the latest thinking about the biological, entomological, and clinical aspects of the major vector-borne diseases around the world. His book covers mosquito-, tick-, and flea-borne diseases, and a variety of other miscellaneous vector-borne diseases, including Chagas' disease, African sleeping sickness, onchocerciasis, scrub typhus, and louse-borne infections. The author provides for each disease a description of the vector involved, notes on its biology and ecology, distribution maps, and general clinical guidelines for treatment and control. Among the diseases fully discussed are malaria, dengue and yellow fevers, lymphatic filariasis, spotted fevers, ehrlichiosis, lyme disease, tularemia, and plague. Other arthropod-caused or related problems-such as myiasis, imaginary insect or mite infestations, and arthropod stings and bites-are also treated. At a time when vector-borne diseases are spreading ever more widely, Infectious Diseases and Arthropods provides physicians, infectious disease specialists, medical entomologists, and public health officials with an up-to-date, readily accessible, gold-standard reference source.
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Springer eBooks

I Arthropods and Human Health -- Arthropods and Health -- Classification of Arthropods -- Medical Importance of Arthropods -- Dynamics of Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Mechanical vs Biological Transmission of Pathogens -- Vector Competence -- II Major Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Mosquito-Borne Diseases -- Basic Mosquito Biology -- Malaria -- Mosquito-Transmitted Encephalitis Viruses -- Dengue Fever -- Yellow Fever (YF) -- Lymphatic Filariasis -- Other Human-Infesting Filarial Worms -- Tick-Borne Diseases -- Basic Tick Biology -- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) -- Other Spotted Fever Rickettsioses -- Ehrlichiosis -- Lyme Disease -- Tularemia -- Human Babesiosis -- Viruses Transmitted by Ticks -- Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever (TBRF) -- Tick Paralysis -- Flea-Borne Diseases -- Basic Flea Biology -- Plague -- Murine Typhus -- Cat-Scratch Disease (CSD) -- Sand Fly-Transmitted Diseases -- Basic Sand Fly Biology -- Leishmaniasis -- Other Sand Fly-Transmitted Diseases -- Miscellaneous Vector-Borne Diseases -- Chagas’ Disease -- African Sleeping Sickness -- Onchocerciasis -- Scrub Typhus (ST) -- Louse-Borne Infections -- Bed Bugs – Do They Transmit Disease Agents?- Introduction and Bed Bug Biology -- Bed Bugs and Disease Transmission -- Why Mosquitoes and Other Arthropods Cannot Transmit HIV -- Brown Recluse Bites: Facts and Fables -- Introduction and Biology -- Facts and Fables about Brown Recluse Bites -- Treatment of Bites -- Fire Ant Attacks on Humans -- The Problem -- Effects of the Venom -- Infectious Complications -- Protecting Patients in Health Care Facilities from Ant Attacks -- Medical Conditions Caused by Arthropod Stings or Bites -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Pathogenesis -- Clues to Recognizing Insect Bites or Stings -- Summary and Conclusions -- Myiasis -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Contributing Factors -- Myiasis in Clinical Practice -- Prevention, Treatment, and Control -- Imaginary Insect or Mite Infestations -- Introduction and Medical Significance -- Clinical Aspects and ContributingFactors -- Differential Diagnosis -- Treatment Strategies -- Appendix A: Signs and Symptoms of Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Appendix B: Diagnostic Tests Used in Arthropod-Borne Diseases -- Agglutination -- Complement Fixation -- Direct Fluorescent Antibody -- Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) -- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) -- Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) -- Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA) -- Leishmanin (Montenegro Test) -- Mazzotti -- Neutralization -- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) -- Index.

In this second edition of Infectious Diseases and Arthropods, Jerome Goddard summarizes the latest thinking about the biological, entomological, and clinical aspects of the major vector-borne diseases around the world. His book covers mosquito-, tick-, and flea-borne diseases, and a variety of other miscellaneous vector-borne diseases, including Chagas' disease, African sleeping sickness, onchocerciasis, scrub typhus, and louse-borne infections. The author provides for each disease a description of the vector involved, notes on its biology and ecology, distribution maps, and general clinical guidelines for treatment and control. Among the diseases fully discussed are malaria, dengue and yellow fevers, lymphatic filariasis, spotted fevers, ehrlichiosis, lyme disease, tularemia, and plague. Other arthropod-caused or related problems-such as myiasis, imaginary insect or mite infestations, and arthropod stings and bites-are also treated. At a time when vector-borne diseases are spreading ever more widely, Infectious Diseases and Arthropods provides physicians, infectious disease specialists, medical entomologists, and public health officials with an up-to-date, readily accessible, gold-standard reference source.

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