TEST - Catálogo BURRF

Urban bikeway design guide.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: Washington, DC : Island Press/Center for Resource Economics : Imprint: Island Press, 2014Descripción: xii, 248 páginasTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • computadora
Tipo de portador:
  • recurso en línea
  • 9781610915823
Formatos físicos adicionales: Edición impresa:: Sin títuloClasificación LoC:
  • RA565-600
Recursos en línea:
Foreword -- Introduction -- Bike Lanes. Conventional Bike Lanes. Buffered Bike Lanes. Contra-Flow Bike Lanes. Left-Side Bike Lanes -- Cycle Tracks. One-Way Protected Cycle Tracks. Raised Cycle Tracks. Two-Way Cycle Tracks -- Intersections. Bike Boxes. Intersection Crossing Markings. Two-Stage Turn Queue Boxes. Median Refuge Island. Through Bike Lanes. Combined Bike Lane/Turn Lane. Cycle Track Intersection Approach -- Signals. Bicycle Signal Heads. Signal Detection and Actuation. Active Warning Beacon for Bike Route at Unsignalized Intersection. Hybrid Beacon for Bike Route Crossing of Major Street. Urban Bikeway Design Guide -- Signing and Marking. Colored Bike Facilities. Colored Pavement Material Guidance. Shared Lane Markings. Bike Route Wayfinding -- Bicycle Boulevards. Route Planning. Signs and Pavement Markings. Speed Management. Volume Management. Minor Street Crossings. Major Street Crossings. Offset Intersections. Green Infrastructure -- Resources. Notes. Design Guide Project Teams. References.
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Springer eBooks

Foreword -- Introduction -- Bike Lanes. Conventional Bike Lanes. Buffered Bike Lanes. Contra-Flow Bike Lanes. Left-Side Bike Lanes -- Cycle Tracks. One-Way Protected Cycle Tracks. Raised Cycle Tracks. Two-Way Cycle Tracks -- Intersections. Bike Boxes. Intersection Crossing Markings. Two-Stage Turn Queue Boxes. Median Refuge Island. Through Bike Lanes. Combined Bike Lane/Turn Lane. Cycle Track Intersection Approach -- Signals. Bicycle Signal Heads. Signal Detection and Actuation. Active Warning Beacon for Bike Route at Unsignalized Intersection. Hybrid Beacon for Bike Route Crossing of Major Street. Urban Bikeway Design Guide -- Signing and Marking. Colored Bike Facilities. Colored Pavement Material Guidance. Shared Lane Markings. Bike Route Wayfinding -- Bicycle Boulevards. Route Planning. Signs and Pavement Markings. Speed Management. Volume Management. Minor Street Crossings. Major Street Crossings. Offset Intersections. Green Infrastructure -- Resources. Notes. Design Guide Project Teams. References.

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